A simple routing library targeting embedded system where every byte counts. Right now there are few embedded systems running Javascript: Tessel, BeagleBone, RaspberryPi, and Espruino.
- Currently testing on Tessel, Espruino, BeagleBone, and Raspberry Pi
npm install tiny-router
- Simple routing
- Supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. It can be extended by using the methodAdd fn
- Retrieving submitted data from the req.body object
- Light weight, only 160 lines of code to get an express like experience
use: Allow to overwrite default values configurations: ('static', 'defaultPage') and default methods: ('readFile', 'fileExist') this is useful when different embedded system read the file system differently. Also it gives access to the request and response object before the routing tables are created.
//Changing defaultPage router.use('defaultPage', 'default.html');
//Setting a public folder router.use('static', {path: __dirname + '/public'});
//Creating a URL logger router.use(function(req, res, next){ console.log('URL: ', req.url); next(); });
Router: Return the routing table created from the get, post, put, etc.. methods
//Setting Routing table http.createServer(router.Router()).listen(3000);
listen(port): Return a instance of http.createServer(router.Router()).listen(port)
//A simple way to create server router.listen(3000);
addMethod(method): Allow the extension of supported method from the supported list: (GET, POST, PUT DELETE)
router.addMethod('TRACE'); router.trace('/logs', function(req, res){ res.send('this are traces'); });
addMimeType(mimeObject): It extends the mime types supported by the server. It can use a third party mime type detector by overwriting the getMime method
router.addMimeType({ext:'.mp4', mime:'video/mp4'});
getMime(file): Retrieves mime type
var type = router.getMimeType('img.jpg');
send(msg): Sends data
var body = ['<!DOCTYPE html>', '<html ng-app="tessel">', '<head>', '</head>', '<body style="background-color:#222;">', '</body>', '</html>'].join('\n'); res.send(body);
sendImage(img): Sends an image
var router = require('tiny-router'),
tessel = require('tessel');
var lights = {
green: tessel.led[0],
blue: tessel.led[1],
red: tessel.led[2],
amber: tessel.led[3]
.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send('Simple light web API');
.get('/lights', function(req, res){
.get('/green', function(req, res){
var state = lights.green.read();
res.send({status: state});
.get('/green/{state}', function(req, res){
var state = parseInt(req.body.state);
res.send({status: state});
var tessel = require('tessel'),
router = require('tiny-router'),
camera = require('camera-vc0706').use(tessel.port['A']);
router.get('/', function(req, res){
var body = ['<!DOCTYPE html>',
'<html ng-app="tessel">',
'<title>Camera Module</title>',
'<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>',
'<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.0-beta.17/angular.min.js"></script>',
'<body style="background-color:#222;">',
'<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 text-center" ng-controller="MainCtrl">',
'<img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/technicalmachine-assets/technical-io/tessel-name.png" style="width: 200px; margin: 10px"/>',
'<img ng-src="{{imgUrl}}" class="img-thumbnail" style="background-color:#fff;min-width:640px;height:480px"/>',
'<p class="text-center" style="margin:10px">',
'<button ng-disabled="downloading" ng-click="takePicture()" class="btn btn-danger"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-camera"></i></button>',
"angular.module('tessel', [])",
".controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope){",
"$scope.takePicture = function(){",
"$scope.imgUrl = 'http://' + location.host + '/picture/' + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);",
"setTimeout(function(){ $scope.downloading = false; $scope.$apply(); }, 10000);",
router.get('/picture/{random}', function(req, res){
camera.takePicture(function(err, image){
if(err) {
res.send('Unable to take a picture');
camera.on('ready', function(){
//Server is running | Blue light on
camera.on('error', function(){
//Turn Blue light off if on and turn red light on
var router = require('tiny-router'),
gpio = require('pi-gpio');
var readPin = function(pin, cb, errCb){
gpio.open(pin, 'input', function(err){
gpio.read(pin, function(err, value){
if(!err) {
if(cb) { cb(value); }
if(errCb) { errCb(); }
if(errCb) { errCb(); }
writePin = function(pin, val, cb, errCb){
gpio.open(pin, 'output', function(err) {
gpio.write(pin, val, function(err) {
if(cb) { cb(val); }
if(errCb) { errCb(); }
if(errCb) { errCb(); }
router.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('Simple Light API');
router.get('/light/status/{pin}', function(req, res){
var pin = req.body.pin;
readPin(pin, function(val){
res.send({pin: pin, status: val, success: true});
}, function(){
res.send({error: 'Cannot read pin ' + pin, success: false});
router.get('/light/off/{pin}', function(req, res){
var pin = req.body.pin;
writePin(pin, 0, function(){
res.send({success: true, pin: pin, status: 1});
}, function(){
res.send({error: 'Cannot turn off pin ' + pin, success: false});
router.get('/light/on/{pin}', function(){
var pin = req.body.pin;
writePin(pin, 1, function(val){
res.send({success: true, pin: pin, status: val});
}, function(){
res.send({error: 'Cannot turn on pin ' + pin, success: false});
0.0.7: Added the sendImage method. Great for creating app to work with Tessel Camera module 0.0.8: Added the example folder 0.0.9: Minor changes to the gitignore file 0.1.0 Adding sample code for Raspberry Pi 0.1.2 Changing internal method to Async in order to interact with the filesystem. 0.1.5 Adding stream support and other engine templates
Free Software, Hell Yeah!