
Use your objects using a lifecycle aware container

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Life Cycle Data

Life Cycle Data is a porting of ViewModel android architecture component

Set up Instructions

Set up the project dependencies. To use this library in your project:

Use the GitHub source and include that as a module dependency by following these steps:

  • Clone this library into a project named LifeCycleData, parallel to your own application project:
git clone https://github.com/baldapps/LifeCycleData.git
  • In the root of your application's project edit the file "settings.gradle" and add the following lines:
include ':lifecycledata'
project(':lifecycledata').projectDir = new File('../lifecycledata/')
  • In your application's main module (usually called "app"), edit your build.gradle to add a new dependency:
 dependencies {
    compile project(':lifecycledata')

Now your project is ready to use this library


See here

References and how to report bugs

  • If you find any issues with this library, please open a bug here on GitHub



Change List


  • First version