Scripts and matlab files to identify an optimal TMS target using fMRI data and e-field modelling.
######################### #Dependencies #########################
- AFNI (Version: AFNI_19.2.01+)
- Simnibs (version: 2.1)
- FreeSurfer (5.3.0+)
- FSL (5.0.5+)
- stlTools (version
- Patch Normals (version
- MNI template (MNI152_2009_template.nii.gz is included with afni distribution)
- group mask in MNI space (included)
- Coil file (included with simnibs distribution)
- matfile in simnibs format to use as a template (included) Update if using a different simnibs distribution
######################### #Usage #########################
- Install dependencies 1-4 by following directions included with software packages
- Download and copy dependencies 5 and 6 into mfiles directory
- Copy dependencies 7-10 to results directory