
API Wrapper for Validic

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Codeship Status for Validic/validic

Stable Version: 0.5.1

Ruby API Wrapper for Validic. It includes the following functionality:

Breaking Changes

  • Methods for user provisioning, suspending, and deleting have been renamed
  • Methods will now default to initialized values unless overridden in options


  • Organization metadata


  • Provision new Validic users
  • Update, Suspend, or Delete users
  • Get users from organization credentials
  • Find user id from authentication token
  • Refresh user authentication token


  • Get profile information from user authentication token
  • Create and modify user profiles


  • List available third party apps
  • List synced apps for a particular user


  • Fitness, Routine, Nutrition, Sleep, Weight, Diabetes, Biometrics, Tobacco Cessation
  • Get activities scoped to user or organization
  • Activities from specific sources
  • Specified time ranges


  • Create activities as a Validic Connect partner
  • Post extra data
  • Update or Delete activities by Validic activity id

Latest Endpoint

  • Get latest data recorded, regardless of when the activity occurred
  • Scope to organization or user level
  • Specify start and end points


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'validic'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install validic


Rails 3+

First, instantiate the client.

require 'validic'

# config/initializers/validic.rb
Validic.configure do |config|
  config.api_url          = 'https://api.validic.com'
  config.api_version      = 'v1'
  config.access_token     = 'ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  config.organization_id  = 'ORGANIZATION_ID'

# Create a Client Object provided you have an initializer
client = Validic::Client.new
Plain ruby
options = {
  api_url:         'https://api.validic.com',
  api_version:     'v1',
  access_token:    'ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN',
  organization_id: 'ORGANIZATION_ID'
client = Validic::Client.new(options)

Now you can use the wrapper's helper methods to interface with the Validic API.

# Get current organization metadata

When your requests return an object they are returned as a Validic::Response object. The Validic::Response typically includes summary metadata and an array of record objects.


You can pass a hash of options to calls that fetch data.

client.get_routine(start_date: '2015-01-01T00:00:00+00:00')

More Examples

Below are examples of all helper methods.

require 'validic'

# Alternatively you can use an initializer
options = {
  api_url:         'https://api.validic.com',
  api_version:     'v1',
  access_token:    'ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN',
  organization_id: 'ORGANIZATION_ID'
client = Validic::Client.new options

Organization methods

Get Requests

Get requests will always return a Validic::Response object. It will look like this:

sleeps = client.get_sleep
=> #<Validic::Response:0x007ff3c9e4daa8

Now you have access to a Summary object and an array of activity objects. You can step through either object like so:

=> #<Validic::Summary:0x007ff3ca2d98d8

=> 200

=> #<Validic::Sleep:0x007ff3ca2d9590

=> 12.0
Get current organization
Get users from organization credentials

Get user by Validic user id.

client.get_users(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094')
Refresh authentication token
client.refresh_token(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094')
Get user_id from authentication token
client.me(authentication_token: 'L9RFSRnJvkwfiZm8vEc4')
Provision new users
client.provision_user(uid: '123')

With optional profile.

client.provision_user(uid: '123', profile: { gender: 'M' })
Updating a user
client.update_user(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094', uid: '123')

With optional profile.

client.update_user(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094', uid: '123', profile: { gender: 'M' })
Suspend a user
client.suspend_user(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094')
Unsuspend a user
client.unsuspend_user(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094')
Delete a user
client.delete_user(user_id: '5499a29b84626b0339000094')
Get a user profile
client.get_profile(authentication_token: 'L9RFSRnJvkwfiZm8vEc4')
Create a user profile
client.create_profile(authentication_token: 'L9RFSRnJvkwfiZm8vEc4', gender: 'M')

Apps methods

Get a list of available third-party-apps
Get a list of apps a user is synced to
client.get_user_synced_apps(authentication_token: 'L9RFSRnJvkwfiZm8vEc4')

Activity methods

You can also filter the results of the following methods by passing an options hash
Get an array of fitness records
Get an array of routine records
Get an array of nutrition records
Get an array of weight records
Get an array of diabetes records
Get an array of biometrics records
Get an array of sleep records
Get an array of tobacco cessation records
Get the next page of a Validic::Response
data = client.get_routine(start_date: '2013-01-01', paginated: "true")
Get the previous page of a Validic::Response
data = client.get_routine(start_date: '2013-01-01', paginated: "true", page: 3)
CRUD Operations

As a Validic Connect partner you have access to all CRUD operations.


client.create_sleep(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID', awake: 2, rem: 1, deep: 7)
=>  #<Validic::Sleep:0x007fafcc2cdd40
 @source_name="Healthy Yet",


client.update_sleep(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID', timestamp: DateTime.now.new_offset(0).iso8601, rem: 4)

=> #<Validic::Sleep:0x007fafcc38fd28
 @source_name="Healthy Yet",
[13] pry(main)>


client.delete_sleep(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID')
=> true

All objects have the same actions as outlined below.

client.create_fitness(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.update_fitness(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.delete_fitness(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID')
client.create_routine(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.update_routine(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.delete_routine(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID')
client.create_nutrition(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID', options)
client.update_nutrition(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID', options)
client.delete_nutrition(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID')
client.create_weight(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', data_id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID', options)
client.update_weight(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID', options)
client.delete_weight(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID')
client.create_diabetes(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.update_diabetes(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.delete_diabetes(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID')
client.create_biometrics(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', data_id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID', options)
client.update_biometrics(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID', options)
client.delete_biometrics(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'UNIQUE_ENTRY_ID')
client.create_sleep(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.update_sleep(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_SLEEP_ID', options)
client.delete_sleep(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID')
client.create_tobacco_cessation(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID' options)
client.update_tobacco_cessation(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID', options)
client.delete_tobacco_cessation(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', _id: 'VALIDIC_ACTIVITY_ID')
You can also create data with your own custom extras as JSON
client.create_fitness(user_id: 'VALIDIC_USER_ID', activity_id: 'UNIQUE_ACTIVITY_ID', extras: "{\"stars\": 3}")
You can also pass an options hash to filter latest results
Pull latest records for specified type


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request