Opscode Chef cookbook for td-agent (Treasure Data Agent). The release log of td-agent is available here.
NOTE: td-agent is open-sourced as Fluentd project. If you want to use stable version of Fluentd, using this cookbook is recommended.
The knife-github-cookbooks gem is a plugin for knife that supports installing cookbooks directly from a GitHub repository. To install with this plugin, please follow these steps:
$ gem install knife-github-cookbooks $ cd chef-repo $ knife cookbook github install treasure-data/chef-td-agent
This cookbook has these external dependencies.
apt cookbook
yum cookbook
API Key, and the Secret Key are required.
node[:api_key] (required)
A list of fluentd plugins to install. The fluent-plugin-
prefix is automatically added. Additional variables can be passed.
This installs the latest version of fluent-plugin-flowcounter
and version 0.0.9 of fluent-plugin-rewrite
node[:td_agent][:plugins] = [ "flowcounter", { "rewrite" => { "version" => "0.0.9" } } ]
Installs a gem or fluentd plugin using the embedded fluent-gem
- Action
- install
Install the gem, optinally with a specific version. Default.
- upgrade
Upgrade to the latest gem
- remove
Remove the gem
- purge
Purge the gem
- Attribute
- package_name
Gem name. Defaults to
- version
Gem version. Installs the latest if none specified
- source
Local .gem file
- options
Options passed to the gem command
- gem_binary
Override path to the gem command
- response_file
Not supported
- plugin
If true, no need to prefix the gem name w/ “fluent-plugin-”. Defaults to
This installs fluent-plugin-datacounter
td_agent_gem "datacounter" do version "0.1.8" plugin true end
This installs the latest version of aws-sdk
td_agent_gem "aws-sdk" do plugin false end
This is an example role file.
name "base" description "base server role." run_list( "recipe[apt]", "recipe[yum]", "recipe[td-agent]", ) override_attributes( # for td-agent :td_agent => { :api_key => 'foo_bar_buz', :plugins => [ 'rewrite' ] } )