
A collection of geographical data for Iceland in GeoJSON and TopoJSON format.

Primary LanguageHTML


A collection of geographical data for Iceland in GeoJSON and TopoJSON format.
A special thanks to Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon for helping me getting started!


Iceland regions

1: 279,487 vertices (not simplified) GeoJSON - 12,567 KB / TopoJSON - 1,190 KB
10: 100,455 vertices (simplified with tolerance 10) GeoJSON - 4,548 KB / TopoJSON - 668 KB
100: 12,441 vertices (simplified with tolerance 100) GeoJSON - 564 KB / TopoJSON - 102 KB
1000: 1,150 vertices (simplified with tolerance 1000) GeoJSON - 54 KB / TopoJSON - 12KB


1: 266,651 vertices
10: 97,425 vertices
100: 11,685 vertices
1000: 962 vertices




Combining GeoJSON files to a single TopoJSON file:

topojson \
-p \
-o iceland_with_towns.topo.geojson \
iceland.geojson \
towns.geojson \

will make a new file iceland_with_towns.topo.json with two objects, iceland and towns.

Let’s Make a Map - A useful article for getting started with maps in D3.js

Adding boundaries to a map will most likely only work for the most simplified data. This is because the junctions between polygons must be manually corrected after simplification to match perfectly. However, it is possible to draw outlines for all polygons (lines around whole polygons instead lines between two different polygons only).

All geographical data derived from free data from National Land Survey of Iceland (NLSI)
NLSI terms


3. Copyrights
The Republic of Iceland is the owner of all copyrights acquired by the NLSI. The NLSI defends the interests of the Republic of Iceland regarding the copyright and right of use of all materials it has acquired, processed or published regarding survey, maps or photos of Iceland. All other matters regarding copyright are covered by the Copyright Act, No. 73/1972 with subsequent amendments.
4. User Rights
Everyone is free to disseminate data originating from the NLSI for their own use and to use when making their own material.
6. Issuance and Publishing Licences
Anyone who intends to distribute, display, publish or reprint material that is copyright under the Republic of Iceland from the NLSI shall apply for the issuance and publication to NLSI. The same applies to the use of derived materials based on material from NLSI. The application must include details of where it is planned to publish the material. As a confirmation of the application the NLSI grants the user a numbered publishing license.

© Landmælingar Íslands V201307003