
An Elixir wrapper for the Yelp API

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


An Elixir client for the Yelp Fusion API (aka Yelp's API v3).

See the Yelp API docs here.

See the Hex documentation for more information.


Add :yelp_ex to your mix.exs file as a dependency and to your extra_applications list:

def application do
  [extra_applications: [:logger, :yelp_ex]]

defp deps do
  [{:yelp_ex, "~> 0.2.0"}]

Important: You must use YelpEx version 0.2.0 or higher due to a change in how the Yelp Fusion API authenticates.

Then, run: mix do deps.get, compile

Yelp Setup

In order to use YelpEx, you need to create an application on Yelp's developer website. After you do this, you will get an "App ID" and an "App Secret".

Yelp uses an API key to authenticate.

Before starting your application, you will need to save your Yelp API key as an environment variable...

One way to do this is to create a file called .env in your project root with the following:


Execute the file from the command line:

$ source .env

When you start your application, an authenticated, supervised YelpEx.Client will also be started.

$ iex -S mix


Click endpoint links to see all valid parameters that can be passed in options.

/businesses/search Endpoint

iex> options = [params: [sort_by: "distance", longitude: -75.145101, latitude: 39.54364]]
[params: [sort_by: "distance", longitude: -75.145101, latitude: 39.54364]]

iex> YelpEx.Client.search(options)
{:ok, {<RESPONSE>}}

iex> YelpEx.Client.search!(options)

/businesses/search/phone Endpoint

iex> options = [params: [phone: "+14159083801"]]

iex> YelpEx.Client.search_phone(options)
{:ok, {<RESPONSE>}}

iex> YelpEx.Client.search_phone!(options)