
Convert a list of image files to a single pdf file.

Inspired from Img2pdf project.


  • Support file formats: BMP, PNG, JPG
  • Support color type: L8, La8, Rgb8, Rgba8, Bgr8, Bgra8
  • For image with alpha channel, automatically apply white background


1. With custom pagesize

image2pdf assets/* --output output.pdf --pagesize 150mmx150mm

Output: Pdf file

2. Without pagesize option

image2pdf assets/* --output output.pdf

Output: Pdf file

3. With pagesize A4 option

image2pdf assets/* --output output.pdf --pagesize A4

Output: Pdf file

4. With pagesize A4 landscape option

image2pdf assets/* --output output.pdf --pagesize A4^T

Output: Pdf file


cargo install image2pdf