An application for convenient finding roommates. The main idea is taken from Tinder, only to find people with whom you can share the housing.
As in the students' experience, especially for freshman-year students, there is a slight problem finding the appropriate person to share the housing.
As in Tinder, you need to register, fill out a form with your data and then on the main page there are cards of other people and by swiping to the right or left you can evaluate these people by their interests, how they look, how they speak and etc. You can also do this with the buttons.
This topic was chosen for my final dissertation. Changes will still be made before the project is fully completed.
For the moment, can not provide the source code.
Used: Swift, UIKit, AutoLayout Programmatically, no storyboard, MVVM, Firebase, JGProgressHUD, SDWebImage, LBTATools
From the list of what i have to do and add are:
- Add apple, google, facebook sign in
- Add a filter by city and search range, CoreLocation
- Conduct tests