A simple JS library to convert Avro Schemas to TypeScript interfaces.
npm install create-typescript-from-avro
The library can be run in node.js or the browser. It takes a Avro Schema as a JavaScript object (from JSON) and returns the TypeScript code as a string.
import * as fs from "fs";
import { avroToTypeScript, RecordType } from "create-typescript-from-avro";
const schemaText = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/example.avsc", "UTF8");
const schema: RecordType = JSON.parse(schemaText);
avroToTypeScript(schema, { convertEnumToType: false, removeNameSpace: true })
To use this package from the CLI you need the avro-to-ts
which is added either locally or globally depending on how you installed the package. Options are:
--file or -f - File or directory path(s) of .avsc files
-- convertEnumToType or -c - See above
-- removeNameSpace or -r - See above
avro-to-ts -f somefolder -f someotherfolder/someschema.avsc -c -r > model.ts
This example takes all the .avsc
files recursively from somefolder
and someschema.avsc
, generates the appropriate .ts
content and pipes it into model.ts
Most Avro features are supported, including:
- Enumerated Types
- Maps
- Named Records
- Mandatory and optional fields
- Unions
- Primitives
npm test
npm build