
A minimal geo-bounding-box class implemented in pure Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A minimal geo-bounding-box helper class implemented in pure Javascript. It comes with minimal tests and one major and two minor features:

  • Create custom format output string
  • Interpolate all 4 box corners
  • Validate absolute coordinates

Tests can be run using node: node bbox.test.js. Missing features:

  • Validate coordinates relative to each other ("is bottomRight corner really the bottom?")


The major motivation of bbox is to easily generate any type of string representation, specifying:

  • the corners and order of corners printed: corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight']
  • the coordinates and order of coordinates printed: coords: ['lat', 'lng']
  • the separators for corners and coordinates: cornerSeparator: '; ', coordSeparator: ', '
Bbox = require('./bbox.js');

const corners = {
  bottomLeft: {
    lng: 5.98865807458,
    lat: 47.3024876979,
  topRight: {
    lng: 15.0169958839,
    lat: 54.983104153,
const bbox = new Bbox(corners);
// bbox now has: bbox.bottomLeft && bbox.topRight && bbox.bottomRight && bbox.topLeft

let res = bbox.createBboxString({ corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'] });
// res is '5.98865807458,47.3024876979;15.0169958839,47.3024876979'

res = bbox.createBboxString({ corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight','topLeft', 'topRight'] });
// res is '5.98865807458,47.3024876979;15.0169958839,47.3024876979;5.98865807458,54.983104153;15.0169958839,54.983104153'

res = bbox.createBboxString({ corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'], coords: ['lng'] });
// res is '5.98865807458;15.0169958839'

res = bbox.createBboxString({ corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'], coords: ['lat'] });
// res is '47.3024876979;47.3024876979'

res = bbox.createBboxString({ corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'], coords: ['lat', 'lng'] });
// res is '47.3024876979,5.98865807458;47.3024876979,15.0169958839'

res = bbox.createBboxString({
  corners: ['bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'],
  cornerSeparator: ' | ',
  coordSeparator: ' , '
// res is '5.98865807458 , 47.3024876979 | 15.0169958839 , 47.3024876979'