
This repository contains my personal dotfiles, wallpapers and some notes for fresh installs.

Softwares I usually setup my machines with:

  • Wezterm
  • NeoVim
  • Tmux
  • Some bash scirpts

Note: If you found the script useful consider a star for the repo, cheers!



You can find the tools and programs you'll need to install for my configuration to work under Requirement section. The Full system install is for me to set up new machines with all the usual things for everyday use.

Font Theme


  • Requirements
    • Aur: yay -S zsh-antidote or git clone --depth=1 ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.antidote
    • Pacman install: pacman -S wezterm nvim tmux fzf mc zsh antidote
  • Full system install: - yay -S OR pacman -S adobe-source-sans-fonts apple-fonts blueman bluez-utils bun composer discord firefox fzf gimp github-cli google-chrome htop mariadb mc neovim npm ntfs-3g nvm p7zip php-apache php-cgi php-gd powerline-fonts ruby-mdless rustup spotify-launcher thefuck ttf-fira-code ttf-fira-mono visual-studio-code-bin vlc wget wireless_tools yay zsh-antidote


  • Requirements:
    • brew install wezterm nvim tmux fzf mc zsh antidote
  • Full system install:
    • brew install antidote bun caffeine chromium composer curl deno docker firefox fzf gh git github google-chrome hiddenbar htop kubernetes-cli lua mdless midnight-commander neovim ripgrep sevenzip slack spotify thefuck tmux visual-studio-code wezterm zoom


install script

  1. Clone this repository to your home folder: git clone
  2. Change into the dotfiles directory cd dotfiles
  3. Run the installation script sh
    • TEST backup, install, save functionalities. Nothing will be changed.
    • BACKUP the folders and files it will modify to this folder ~/bak-dot/
    • INSTALL will DELETE and REPLACE the following folders:
      • .config/bash
      • .config/mc
      • .config/nvim
    • INSTALL will OVERWRITE the following dotfiles:
      • .tmux.conf
      • .wezterm.lua
      • .zsh_plugins.txt
      • .zshrc
    • SAVE will Copy all matching user dots and configs to the repo.
    • After INSTALL, BACKUP, SAVE a log about the progress will be created in this folder named install_progress.log.


If you have any sugestions just open a PR.