Personal NixOS Configuration

Follow the steps below to apply the build on a new install. First you will need the keyfile from another computer that is already authenticated.

# cd to repo directory
git-crypt export-key <key-export-path>

Clone with git. Unlock secrets with git-crypt.

nix-shell -p git git-crypt
cd  # go to home directory
git clone
cd nixos-configs
git-crypt unlock <key-download-path>

Link the correct config file from the repo and rebuild.

sudo su  # as root
rm /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
ln -s /home/balint/nixos-configs/flake.nix /etc/nixos/flake.nix
nixos-rebuild switch

Link the home config file and activate it.

# as user
mkdir -p ~/.config/home-manager
ln -s /home/balint/nixos-configs/flake.nix ~/.config/home-manager/flake.nix
home-manager switch


Create a swap file - or just let the config auto-create it for you.

btrfs filesystem mkswapfile --size <size>g /var/swapfile

Find swapfile offset for kernel parameter config.

filefrag -v /var/swapfile  # not btrfs
btrfs inspect-internal map-swapfile -r /var/swapfile  # btrfs

Launch front camera stream on SP6.

gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc camera-name='\\\_SB_.PCI0.I2C2.CAMF' ! videoconvert ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video0

Enroll auto-unlock of encrypted filesystem. If you are stuck on LUKS1 see guide below.

blkid | grep crypto  # Find device
systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=0+1+2+3+7 <luks2-partition>  # Enroll

Plymouth boot splash screen option will hide boot text preventing you from entering the encryption password. Make sure to setup auto-unlock first.


Items needed before a desired state is reached.

Camera on Surface Pro 6

The front camera image is just a green blob. The back camera is upside down. The font camera works with userspace libraries, requires running a terminal command to activate it. It's (not) mirrored and the picture quality is bad. : Camera Support : SB2 Camera Issue

Declarative Accounts Configuration

I don't want to use Evolution to configure my accounts for email calendar and contacts. It seems like the home manager accounts module doesn't work well with gnome software.

Useful Links

Secure Boot : Btrfs Convert : LUKS2 Upgrade : TPM Enroll : Swapfile Hibernate : Suspend-then-hibernate