
Embedding- and location-based target selection strategies for the Demucs-Denoiser speech enhancement technique.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Target Selection Strategies for Demucs-Denoiser

Embedding- and location-based target selection strategies for the Demucs-Denoiser speech enhancement technique: paper.

Some packages to install before starting:

sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit build-essential python3-dev python3-venv

To clone:

Before doing cloning this repository, you'll need GIT LFS:

sudo apt install git-lfs
git lfs install

If your version of Ubuntu/Debian doesn't have the git-lfs package, install the following repository:

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/github/git-lfs/script.deb.sh | sudo bash

Then you can clone this repository by doing git clone <url of this repository>

We'll assume that the folder in which you cloned this repository is /opt/demucstargetsel.

After cloning, it's a good idea to create a python environment:

cd /opt/demucstargetsel
python -m venv .
source  bin/activate


To install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating the Training/Validation/Testing Dataset

The to-be-created dataset is based on the 2020 branch of the Interspeech Deep Noise Suppression (DNS) Challenge. This repository also requires GIT LFS.

To clone the dataset repository, change directory to where you desire to have the base DNS code. We'll assume that is located in /opt/DNS:

cd /opt/DNS
git clone --branch interspeech2020/master https://github.com/microsoft/DNS-Challenge
cd DNS-Challenge
git lfs track "*.wav"
git add .gitattributes

Then copy all the files in the datasetcreation folder to /opt/DNS:

cp /opt/demucstargetsel/datasetcreation/* .

Modify the copied files such that they make sense to your system's configuration, and run the dataset creation script:

bash create_dns_multimic_trainvalidtest.sh

This will take a long time, depending on the amount of hours you have configured in noisyspeech_synthesizer_multimic.cfg.

By default, the training subset will be located in /opt/DNS/DNS-Challenge/corpus_multimic, while the training and validation subset in /opt/DNS/DNS-Challenge/corpus_multimic_validtest.


Once the dataset is created, to train will depend on what strategy you're interested in:

Embedding-based target selection (DemucsEmbed)

Change to the demucsembed folder in the repository. Change the make_dns_multiuser.sh script to point to where the created dataset resides, and run:

bash make_dns_multiuser.sh

Once finished, this will create two sets of training configuration: a small one defined as "dns", and a complete one defined as "dns_full".

To train run:

bash launch_embeddemucs_dns-multiuser_full64.sh

This by default will use the "dns_full" configuration, but can be changed by modifying the "dset" parameter.

The model will be stored in outputs/exp_dummy:embeddemucsdnsfull64/best.th.

Location-based target selection (DemucsPhaseBeamform)

Change to the demucsphasebeamform folder in the repository. Change the make_dns_multimic.sh script to point to where the created dataset resides, and run:

bash make_dns_multimic.sh

Once finished, this will create two sets of training configuration: a small one defined as "dns", and a complete one defined as "dns_full".

To train run:

bash launch_demucsphase_64.sh

This by default will use the "dns_full" configuration, but can be changed by modifying the "dset" parameter.

The model will be stored in outputs/exp_dummy:demucsphase64/best.th.

Running Online

Once trained, to run online will require to first know the interface number (here assumed to be 3) that points to PulseAudio, by running:

python -m sounddevice

The next steps depend on what strategy you're interested in:

Embedding-based target selection (DemucsEmbed)

First, a recording of the target speech source needs to be captured and stored in a WAV file (such as recording.wav) and an embedding needs to be created and stored in a JSON file (such as embedding.json), by running:

python create_embedding.py recording.wav embedding.json

Then run:

python -m denoiser.live --in 3 --out 3 --embedding embedding.json --model_path outputs/exp_dummy:embeddemucsdnsfull64/best.th --device cuda -f 4 -t 4

Alternatively, you can use the pre-trained model located in evaluation/pretrained_models/demucsembed/best.th

Location-based target selection (DemucsPhaseBeamform)

Make sure that the selected device has at least two input channels. Then run:

python -m denoiser.live --in 3 --out 3 --model_path outputs/exp_dummy:demucsphase64/best.th --device cuda -f 4 -t 4

Alternatively, you can use the pre-trained model located in evaluation/pretrained_models/denoiserphase/best.th


Change to the repositories evaluation directory:

cd evaluation

Since the evaluation scripts use the base "denoiser" package to compare to the original model, the base package needs to be installed. However, be aware that the original "denoiser" implementation creates some version conflicts with the training code in this repository. Thus, it is recommended to install the "denoiser" package after training has been completed, or in another copy of this repository with a different python environment, so as to not have any versioning conflicts:

pip install denoiser

Then, modify the create_dataset_wavs_DNSMultiMic.py to point to where the created dataset resides and run:

python create_dataset_wavs_DNSMultiMic.py

Copy the trained models to their respective folder inside evaluation/pretrained_models and run:

python SEEval_DNSMultiMic_script.py


If you use this code, please cite the following to provide credit:

   AUTHOR = {Rascon, Caleb and Fuentes-Pineda, Gibran},
   TITLE = {Target Selection Strategies for Demucs-Based Speech Enhancement},
   JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
   VOLUME = {13},
   YEAR = {2023},
   NUMBER = {13},
   ARTICLE-NUMBER = {7820},
   URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/13/7820},
   ISSN = {2076-3417},
   DOI = {10.3390/app13137820}