
Simple Development DNS Server written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Development DNS Server written in Python. This server will route all whatever *.dev domain names to So you can quickly start a new project without touching your system's host file.


Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/ball6847/devdns.git
cd devdns

Setup environment and dependencies, you need python virtualenv or virtualenvwrapper.

mkvirtualenv devdns 
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start devdns

sudo twistd -y devdns.py

And there you go.

For any reason you need to run this server in non-daemonize mode eg. running under Supervisor. You can start server using -ny options like this.

sudo twistd -ny devdns.py

One last step. Edit /etc/resolv.conf to make your system using localhost as a DNS. Just open /etc/resolv.conf with your preferred text editor (you may need super user privilege)



  • Provide instruction for Windows
  • Provide instruction on disabling dnsmasq in Ubuntu NetworkManager
  • Use twisted application module
  • Simple configuration file
  • Auto backup/restore /etc/resolv.conf upon server start or stop
  • DNS caching


This script inspired by this gist https://gist.github.com/johnboxall/1147973, written by John Boxall