
(I am not affiliated with the SEC. I hope that they don't mind me making this module, maybe they will find it useful themselves)

This is a remake of a classic.


  npm install browse-edgar --save

Responsible Use

As far as I know the SEC doesn't have an api and they don't have limits set that I know. So it would be great if people use this module responsibly. If you could include your name and phone number in the user agent, maybe they can call people that are producing to much traffic on their server. Also, that way, you traffic will be differentiated from the others that are just installing the module and using it directly. I hope that this method of accessing the data isn't restricted. I think that other services that have this data must have also crawled and indexed the data in a similar way, so hopefully if people don't take advantage we can all have access to this information.

var BrowseEdgar = require('browse-edgar');
var filing = new BrowseEdgar.filing({user_agent: 'FirstName LastName (Telephone)'});
filing.query({cik: '0001326801', accession: '0001127602-18-011629'}, function(err, result) {


When downloading a filing, you need to supply the formatted accession number. I think that there is probably a way to guess the format and then supply the numeric version, but I have not spent the time to do that.

var BrowseEdgar = require('browse-edgar');
var filing = new BrowseEdgar.filing({});
filing.query({cik: '0001326801', accession: '0001127602-18-011629'}, function(err, result) {


var BrowseEdgar = require('browse-edgar');
var search = new{});
search.query({company: 'facebook'}, function(err, result) {


If you'd like to contribute a feature or bugfix: Thanks! To make sure your fix/feature has a high chance of being included, please read the following guidelines:

  1. Post a pull request.
  2. Make sure there are tests! We will not accept any patch that is not tested. It's a rare time when explicit tests aren't needed. If you have questions about writing tests for paperclip, please open a GitHub issue.

If there is a filing or search that doesn't work correctly, please add the information to the appropriate part of the test cases file and run:

  npm run sync

That will download all of the test files and make sure that as your are fixing the library you don't break other test cases.

If you run:

  npm test

It will run the sync command once at the beginning of the test run and then it will rerun the tests each time you save.

And once there are some contributors, then I would like to thank all of the contributors!


It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.


© 2018 Scott Ballantyne. See LICENSE for details.