
Primary LanguageCSS


Tool to collect documentation from versions tags and update gh-pages branch in target repository


CLI options

Run jekver with -h options to get latest cli help.

CLI overwrite configuraton loaded from config file so if option defined in config file and passed from CLI jekver will be excuted with values from CLI.

Configuration file

path Type Example Comments
project String kaa Project name
startFromTag String v0.8.1 Minimal version to collect documents
latest String v0.10.0 Latest version to generate redirection pages
addCurrent boolean false Flag to add current branch to the gh-pages
jekdocs Array Conversion rules to generate documentation
jekdocs[n].key Map Configuration Item
jekdocs[n].key.cmd String "mvn compile" Command to generate documentation
jekdocs[n].key.path String "path_to_mvm_proj" Base path from cmd should be executed
jekdocs[n].key.target String "" Target folder for documentation in gh-pages
jekdocs[n].key.copy Map dst:src Coping rules in format destination source #{version}/#{path}/#{src}/ -> #{key}/#{target}/#{dst}/#{version}