
CAE Regional Resource Center database application

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CRRC application

Application for managing articulation agreements between educational institutions.


Technology Stack

The application is built using Cutelyst with Grantlee templating engine and Qt. At present only storage to SQLite is supported, although there are plans to support PostgreSQL as well. A C++14 compatible compiler is required to build the application sources.

Development Environment

The application was developed primarily on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015 and CLion on Mac OS X. Docker container testing was performed only on Mac OS X.

Deploying locally

The easiest way to get the application running locally is to use Docker. Use the <path to crrc>/docker/build.sh followed by <path to crrc>/docker/run.sh to build and run a docker container with the latest version of the application.

The run.sh script attempts to bind local port 80 to the CRRC application. If the binding was successful, you can visit the application locally.

For local testing, use admin as both username and password to log on to the application.

Managing Entities

Entities may be managed using the CRRC web UI, or using some rudimentary web services (note, these are not true REST services). The primary purpose of the web services is to allow for more independent web UI development using client side logic and rendering without depending too much upon Cutelyst templates.

The templates for managing entities follow a common naming convention:

  • <path to>/index.html - Used to display a list of entities.
  • <path to>/view.html - Used to display details of an entity.
  • <path to>/form.html - Used to create/edit entities.

Authentication and Authorization

The application is currently designed to be only accessed by authenticated users. Users are granted the following roles:

  • Global Administrator - Allowed to administer all entities at all levels in the application.
  • Institution Administrator - Allowed to administer entities associated with the user's institution.
  • Institution User - Allowed to view the entities in the system.


Authentication is enforced throughout the application. Only logged in users with a valid session may access the various screens/services supported by the application. User's may login and establish a session with the server using either a traditional HTML form presented by the Web UI, or a REST style service supported by the server.

  • Login - Users/clients wishing to authenticate and establish a valid session with the application may use the /login endpoint. Submit the credentials using either a POST request (for HTML response) or a PUT request for a JSON response indicating success/failure of the authentication attempt.
  • Logout - Users/clients wishing to end their session may be access the /logout endpoint. Making a GET request will invalidate the session and redirect the user to the login screen. Making a POST request will invalidate the session and respond with a JSON response that indicates the status of the logout operation. Note that unless there are server issues, a logout should always return a success message.

Institution Types

Institution types are a static list of types used to categorise institutions. These are referenced from institution entities. No management features are provided at present for CRUD operations on institution types. No templates exist for displaying the types either. The following REST like services are provided:

  • Retrieve all - Clients may retrieve the current list of institution types as a JSON array by making a GET request to the /institutionTypes endpoint.
  • Retrieve - Clients may retrieve a JSON object representing an institution type by its unique id value by making a GET request to the /institutionTypes/id/<id of type>/data endpoint.


Institutions are the logical starting point for managing entities within the system. Most information managed by the application deal with institutions.


The following screens and associated web services are available:

  • All templates for managing institution entities are under the root/src/institutions/ directory.
  • Index or listing page. This page is rendered by the index.html template.
    • The list of institutions may also be retrieved as a JSON array by making a POST request to the page instead of a GET request.
  • Detail page. This page displays the pertinent details about an institution. This page is rendered by the view.html template.
    • A JSON representation of the institution may be retrieved by making a GET request to the /institutions/id/<id of institution>/data endpoint.
  • Edit page. This page displays a form that is used to create or edit an institution and is rendered by the form.html template.
    • The form POST's the information to /institutions/edit endpoint. The resulting created/modified entity will be displayed on screen.
    • Using PUT instead of POST will return a JSON representation of the created/modified institution.
  • Search. This end point is used to retrieve a subset of the institutions that match some user specified filter. The results are rendered using the same template as the index page. This endpoint is available at the /institutions/search endpoint and may be accessed using either POST (html output )or PUT (JSON output) requests.
    • Name search. Institutions who name contains the user specified text specified using the text parameter is returned.
    • Degree search. Insitutions that offer programs that are associated with the degree identifier specified using the degree parameter are returned.
  • Check unique. This end point returns the text true or false is the specified institution name and city is not unique. Used when creating an institution to avoid duplicates. The end point may be accessed at /institutions/checkUnique/?name=<name value>&city=<city value>.
  • Delete end point. This end point is used to delete existing institutions.
    • A POST request to /institutions/remove will remove the entity and display the index/list page.
    • A PUT request to /institutions/remove will remove the entity and return a JSON message indicating success/failure of the operation.


Contacts are the relevant staff at the institutions who manage the data in the application. Contacts may be assigned credentials and roles for managing the data in the application. Contacts may also be stored without any credentials, in which case they serve as just useful information relating to an institution.


The following screens and associated web services are available:

  • All templates for managing institution entities are under the root/src/contacts/ directory.
  • Index or listing page. This page is rendered by the index.html template.
    • The list of contacts may also be retrieved as a JSON array by making a POST request to the page instead of a GET request.
    • A list of contacts that belong to a particular institution may be retrieved by making a GET request to /contacts/institution/id/<institution id> endpoint. The same data may be retrieved as a JSON array by making a POST request instead.
  • Detail page. This page displays the pertinent details about a contact. This page is rendered by the view.html template.
    • A JSON representation of the contact may be retrieved by making a GET request to the /contacts/id/<id of contact>/data endpoint.
  • Edit page. This page displays a form that is used to create or edit a contact and is rendered by the form.html template.
    • The form POST's the information to /contacts/edit endpoint. The resulting created/modified entity will be displayed on screen.
    • Using PUT instead of POST will return a JSON representation of the created/modified contact.
  • Search. This end point is used to find contact instances. This page is rendered by the contacts/index.html template and displays a list of matching contacts. This end point may be accessed by making a POST (for HTML output) or a PUT request (for JSON output) to the /contacts/search endpoint.
    • Text search. This is executed by specifying a POST/PUT parameter named text and will return contacts with name matching the specified value.
    • Institution search. This is executed by specifying a institution parameter with the value being the identifier of the institution to which the search results is to be limited to.
  • Check username. This end point is used to validate whether a specified username value is available for use or not. Returns the text true or false. The end point may be accessed at /contacts/isUsernameAvailable/?username=<value>.
  • Delete end point. This end point is used to delete existing contacts.
    • A POST request to /contacts/remove will remove the entity and display the index/list page.
    • A PUT request to /contacts/remove will remove the entity and return a JSON message indicating success/failure of the operation.


Departments are managed primarily at the institution level. Service based management is available through the following end points.

  • Index or listing. Listing of all the departments (if global administrator) or of the departments associated with institution of current user is returned as a JSON array by the /departments endpoint.
  • JSON data representation of a department may be retrieved using the /departments/id/<id value>/data endpoint.
  • New departments may be created, or existing ones updated using the /institution/departments/save endpoint. A JSON structure indicating whether the insert/update succeeded is returned by the service.
  • Departments may be deleted using the /institution/departments/remove endpoint. A JSON structure indicating success/failure of the operation is returned.


Departments for an institution are managed using a single index.html template which is available under the root/src/institutions/departments directory. The various CRUD operations are supported as JSON services which are implemented in the template.


At present there is no web UI to manage designations. Designations are metadata that are associated with institutions and programs. Web service endpoints are available for managing designations.

  • Index or listing. Listing of all the designations as a JSON array may be retrieved via the /designations endpoint. May be retrieved using a GET request.
  • JSON data representation of a designation may be retrieved using the /designations/id/<id value>/data endpoint. May be retrieved using a GET request.
  • New designations may be created, or existing ones updated using the /designations/save endpoint. A JSON structure indicating whether the insert/update succeeded is returned by the service. May be accessed using either POST or PUT.
  • Designations may be deleted using the /designations/remove endpoint. A JSON structure indicating success/failure of the operation is returned. May be accessed using either POST or PUT.
  • The full list of all the institution-designations may be retrieved as a JSON array by making a GET request to the /institutions/designations endpoint.


The following screens and services are available for managing institution to designation mappings:

  • List view. A listing of the designations associated with an institution is rendered by a view.html template bound to /institution/designations/id/<institution id>/view path. The list may be retrieved in JSON format by making a POST request to the URL instead of GET.
  • Edit. Designations for an institution are managed using a form.html template which is available under the root/src/institutions/designations directory.
  • Create/Edit service. New institution-designation mapping may be added via a POST request to the /institution/designations/id/<institution id>/save endpoint. The form template also makes use of this endpoint via AJAX request. The expiration property for a mapping may be modified via the same endpoint.
  • Remove service. Existing institution-designation mapping may be removed via a POST request to /institution/designations/id/<institution id>/remove endpoint.


Programs associated with an institution are managed via the web UI or using simple web services similar to the other entities.


  • Index or listing. Listing of all the programs in the database, or associated with an institution is displayed using the /index.html template bound to /programs endpoint. The same data may be retrieved as a JSON array by making a POST request instead of a GET request.
  • JSON data representation of a program may be retrieved using the /programs/id/<id value>/data endpoint. The JSON representation may be retrieved using a GET request.
  • New programs may be created, or existing ones updated by submitting a form to the /programs/edit endpoint. POST requests will redirect the user to the program listing page. PUT request will result in a JSON data structure that indicates the success or failure of the operation.
  • Programs may be deleted using the /programs/remove endpoint. The Web UI makes a POST request to this end point which results in the user being redirected to the listing page. A PUT request may be made, in which case a JSON structure indicating the success/failure of the operation will be returned.


Integration tests are being developed for the backend interactions and are available under the tests/service directory.

UI tests are being planned using Python and Ghost. A sample login/logout test script is available under tests/ui directory.