
(Mac)Vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

To Install


Symlink the init.vim within this repository as follows:

cd /path/to/repo/init.vim ~/.vimrc


Symlink the init.vim within this repository as follows:

cd /path/to/repo/init.vim ~/$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim

Note: if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined, use $HOME/.config instead

Launch your editor. On the first run, there may be an error about a missing colorscheme. Once started, run the command :PlugInstall, and let the installation run. Restart your editor. Have fun with the new scripts. :D


For plugin updates, simply run :PlugUpdate in the editor to update to the latest versions of those plugins.

For vimrc updates, just run git pull in the repository to receive any updates from the remote side.