
TypeScript library to operate with matrix.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


matrix-calculus is a TypeScript library created to perform common matrix calculations. At first realizations it was created for neural network engine called "Nika" (for game AI aims). The library is successfully working as part of the highloaded game AI service based on Node JS.

All operations are immutable. So methods you are using to change matrix will return changed version of the matrix; base version will stay untouchable.


npm i --save matrix-calculus


import {Matrix, Data} from 'matrix-calculus';
import {SingleColMatrixFactory} from 'matrix-calculus/factories';

const valuesRaw:number[] = [2, 5, 3, 6, 2];
const weightsRaw:number[] = [1.7364, .8255, .01672, 1.8354, .5948];

const values:Matrix = SingleColMatrixFactory.create(valuesRaw);
const weights:Matrix = SingleColMatrixFactory.create(weightsRaw);

const weightedValues:Matrix = values.multiplyTermByTerm(weights);
const weightedValuesTransposed:Matrix = weightedValues.transpose();

const serialized:Data = weightedValuesTransposed.getData();

console.log('Transposed weighted values:', serialized);

GitHub repository



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
