
STM32F4 code to use the SDIO peripheral, uses libopencm3 for the basic stuff, adds SDIO supported stuff.

Primary LanguageC

SDIO Stuff

This is some code I am working on for reading SD Cards. This is the 'simple' code (it runs in polled mode).

Ok, so updated this repo to be the complete example set. The initial part was a memory explorer which I have morphed into an SD card explorer as well. Note that if you're running this it will be most fun to have two terminal sessions going to your board, one for the debug stream and one for the console stream. (stderr and stdout if you will :-).

Note that the example itself is kind of useless, and its built on my machine inside the libopencm3-examples tree ( under libopencm3-examples/stm32/f4/stm32f4-discovery/xplor ) if you're having trouble building it drop me an email. Also tool chain is the launchpad.net arm-none-eabi- toolchain from ARM inc. Guys you totally rock! And the Black Magic Debug Probe has been invaluable in getting this going, Gareth you're my hero.

All open source code development for embedded systems is the best!
