Suppose to host Dockerfile to fire quickly docker image
- normal work process
# build the docker container
cd where_dockerfile_is
docker build -t baaaaam/container_name .
# push the builded container to dockerhub
docker push baaaaam/container_name
# open a shell on a specific container
docker run -r -i baaaaam/container_name
usefull tips:
- launch image - do stuff - exit - sset container name
docker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
docker ps -a
docker commit <container_id> new_image:tag_name
- build img + mane/tag it
docker build -t name/tag .
- re- mane/tag it
docker docker tag old-name/old-tag new-name/new-tag
- push it - require login
docker push name-tag
- start a docker from ps -a
docker start name
docker attach name
- note for later
-no-cache is currently bool, so this simply extends the existing behaviour.
docker build --no-cache - same behaviour as before: ignores cache
docker build --no-cache someRegex - ignores any RUN or ADD commands that match