
This is a small repo for determining who will win some Journey into Mobile


This is a small repo for determining who will win some Code School "Journey into Mobile" courses. This course is led by our leadoff speaker this year, Jason VanLue.


We will give away 3 courses, http://www.codeschool.com/courses/journey-into-mobile

How to Win

Make a Pull Request ( on this repo and add yourself to the ordered list in the index.html, with your first and last name, Github username and your "member since" time for your Github account. e.g.

  • Dan Denney, dandenney, May 21, 2010
  • Why?

    I want anyone that isn't already using Github for their projects to see how easy it is to jump in and start coding socially. So, this is a way of showing how a file can be edited my many people really easily.