
A java chat application made for our oopm sem 3 mini project

Primary LanguageJava

Java Chat Application

A Java Chat Application made for our OOPM Sem 3 Mini project


  1. Pull the code or clone this repo and cd into the working directory
  2. If using VS code just install the redhat java extension pack and run the 2 files simultaneously. Make sure ther server file is run before the client one.
  3. If using the command line open 2 separate instances and cd into the working directory in both of them. One is for Server and other is for Client
  4. cd into the src/chatting/application folder in one of them and run
javac Server.java
javac Client.java
  1. cd back into the working directory
  2. In the command prompt for Server, cd into src and run the command
java chatting.application.Server
  1. In the command prompt for Client, cd into src and run the command
java chatting.application.Client

Make sure it is done in this order only.

After setting up the 2 instances you can message between them. Sometimes the message may take a while to appear because of packet loss in that case just message something else from the other client and it should work.

A working image of the app



It is a light weight java desktop application that allows two users to chat among themselves simultaneously much like whatsapp or any other social media application.


  1. Simple & User-friendly Chat UI design.
  2. Real time chatting on a given I.P Address using Socket Programming(Java Networking).
  3. Additional features such as Chat Bubble, Date & Time of the messages sent & received were also added.
  4. We have also included a scrollbar in our UI framework so that users can scroll back & forth between the messages.
  5. The Status of the user i.e whether he is online ,typing,etc. is also shown while chatting.

Software Features

  1. Ease of use due to a robust GUI.
  2. Simultaneous connectivity over a local server due to the use of web sockets.

Made by:

  1. Kush Patel 1911101
  2. Burhanuddin Rangwala 1911109
  3. Rishabh Kothari 1911110

forthebadge made-with-java