
Visual Studio Code integration for the Idris 2 language server

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Idris 2 Language Server Extension

A Visual Studio Code extension that enables the Idris 2 language server on Idris source files.

In order to simplify testing at this early stage, the extension was made standalone by taking the Idris syntax files from meraymond2/idris-vscode.


idris2-lsp must be available locally. Refer to the Idris 2 language server repository for instructions.

Installing the extension

The idris2-lsp extension can be installed from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

It can also be built and installed locally from the checkout directory with:

npm install
./sync-engine-version.sh update-in-place
npm install
rm -f *.vsix
version=$(jq -r '.version' package.json)
npm run lint
npm run compile
npm run esbuild
vsce package
code --install-extension "idris2-lsp-${version}.vsix" --force

Configuring the extension

To configure the command used to start the Idris language server, idris2-lsp by default, go to Settings and search for idris2.

Debugging the extension

  • Run npm install in this folder
  • Open VS Code on this folder
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+D / Cmd+Shift+D to reveal the everything Debug viewlet
  • Select Launch Client from the drop down
  • Run the launch config