Play library to provide common language support and switching functionality for Play projects.
This library adds a new endpoint:
/language/:lang - Switches the current language to the lang, if defined in languageMap.
Add the library to the project dependencies:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")
libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-language" % "[INSERT VERSION]"
Create your own custom LanguageController:
object CustomLanguageController extends LanguageController with RunMode {
/** Converts a string to a URL, using the route to this controller. **/
def langToCall(lang: String): Call = controllers.routes.CustomLanguageController.switchToLanguage(lang)
/** Provides a fallback URL if there is no referer in the request header. **/
override protected def fallbackURL: String = current.configuration.getString(s"$env.language.fallbackUrl").getOrElse("/")
/** Returns a mapping between strings and the corresponding Lang object. **/
override def languageMap: Map[String, Lang] = Map("english" -> Lang("en"),
"cymraeg" -> Lang("cy-GB"))
Add the following to the application conf file for each language you support:
Add the following to your application's custom routes file.
GET /language/:lang String)
When you want to show a language switch to the user, use the language selection template.
@language_selection(CustomLanguageController.languageMap, CustomLanguageController.langToCall, Some("custom-class"))
Add an implicit Lang object to each view you wish to support multiple languages.
@()(implicit lang: Lang)
Create your own custom LanguageController:
import javax.inject.Inject
import play.api.Application
import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi
class LanguageSwitchController @Inject()(val appConfig: FrontendAppConfig, override implicit val messagesApi: MessagesApi, implicit val app: Application)
extends LanguageController with RunMode {
def langToCall(lang: String) = appConfig.routeToSwitchLanguage
// Replace with a suitable fallback or read it from config
override protected def fallbackURL: String = routes.IndexController.onPageLoad().url
override def languageMap = appConfig.languageMap
Add the following to the application conf file for each language you support:
play.i18n.langs = ["en", "cy"]
Add the following to your application's custom routes file.
GET /language/:lang String)
Add the following to your AppConfig trait.
def languageMap: Map[String, Lang] = Map(
"english" -> Lang("en"),
"cymraeg" -> Lang("cy"))
def routeToSwitchLanguage = (lang: String) => routes.LanguageSwitchController.switchToLanguage(lang)
val languageTranslationEnabled: Boolean
And the following to the FrontendAppConfig class that extends that trait:
override lazy val languageTranslationEnabled =
To show the language toggles, place this in your Twirl templates (typically inside the @mainContentHeader
section in govuk_wrapper.scala.html
@if(appConfig.languageTranslationEnabled) {
In order to show each language text to the user, create a messages.xx
file within /conf
, where xx is the language code, and put your translations within there, using the same message keys.
There is also a feature toggle for the language switcher. If you wish to disable this feature, add the following to your application.conf file:
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.