
PL/SQL packages enabling Google, Linkedin and Facebook login for apex

Primary LanguagePLSQLMIT LicenseMIT

#about PL/SQL packages enabling Google, Linkedin and Facebook login for apex. Apex-oauth does not rely on any tables. There is one table (S4SA_SETTINGS) that contains some settings you must review and change to reflect your specific situation.

In my presentation at kscope 2015 I promised to release the oauth packages that will enable you to use Google, Facebook and Linked-in authentication in your own applications. I finally got around publishing them.

Please leave your remarks at github, or consider to contribute to the development. You can also reach me at r.martens at smart4solutions.nl

#documentation To enable your apex-application to use apex_oauth you need to register yourself at the appropriate sites:

There you will be able to create an application. The Provider (Google, Facebook etc.) will then provide you some codes which you must put in the s4a_settings table.

#download It is recommended that you download a certified release (from the releases folder). The files in the current repository are for the next release and should be considered unstable.

#installation The product consists of a number of database-objects:

  • packages
  • tables
  • sequences
  • etc...

Please follow directions below to complete your installation.

##install into an existing application

  1. as sys: login into your database and execute the "grant_as_sysdba.sql" script. It will grant execute on the sys_http package to your parsing schema
  2. in apex, login into your workspace
  3. within the SQL Workshop:
  • upload and execute the "apex_oauth.sql" script which will create all database objects
  • upload and execute the "s4a_settings_data.sql" script which will create the settings in the s4sa_settings table
  • execute the follwing command: grant execute on S4SG_AUTH_PCK to APEX_PUBLIC_USER
  1. import the plugin into your application
  2. adjust the settings in the s4sa_settings table, they should reflect the settings in your developer console
  1. Go to page 101 (the login-page) of your application
  • remove the username and password items
  • rename the login-button so it reflects the value of the S4SA_GGL_LOGIN_REQUEST record in your S4SA_SETTINGS table (default GGL_LOGIN)

##install into a new application

  1. Create your application
  2. follow the steps in "install into an existing application"
  3. continue developing your application

#httpd configuration It is highly advisable to use a everse proxy as described in my [blog](http://richardmartens.blogspot.nl/2015/07/making-https-webservice-requests-from.html title="blogspot"). I have included the settings as I use them in my web-server setup. This prevents you from having to create an Oracle wallet. It also alows you to use Linked-in as the oauth provider. Since Linked-in uses a specific algorithm that is not supported below Oracle

#the S4SA_SETTINGS table This table is the only table in use. It contains the settings for the API calls being made:

Code Description
S4SA_GRACE_PERIOD This is the amount of seconds that a oauth session still has before redirecting to the login-page again
S4SA_WALLET_PATH The directory the oracle wallet is in when using https requests to the oauth provider
S4SA_WALLET_PWD the wallets password
S4SA_COLLECTION_NAME The name of the collection in which the users' details are stored
S4SA_GGL_LOGIN_REQUEST the name of the request for a google login
S4SA_FCB_LOGIN_REQUEST the name of the request for a facebook login
S4SA_LDI_LOGIN_REQUEST the name of the request for a linked-in login
S4SA_API_PREFIX All requests are prefixed with this. use http:// to bypass the reverse proxy
S4SA_GGL_API_KEY Google API key as found in the developer console
S4SA_GGL_CLIENT_ID Google client ID as found in the developer console
S4SA_GGL_CLIENT_SECRET Google Client secret as found in the developer console
S4SA_GGL_REDIRECT_URL The URL Google will redirect to
S4SA_GGL_EXTRAS Extra options for the google API
S4SA_GGL_SCOPE Google login-scope
S4SA_LDI_API_KEY Linked-in API key as found in the developer console
S4SA_LDI_CLIENT_ID Linked-in Client ID as found in the developer console
S4SA_LDI_CLIENT_SECRET Linked-in Client Secret as found in the developer console
S4SA_LDI_REDIRECT_URL Linked-in redirect URL
S4SA_LDI_EXTRAS Extra options for the Linked-in API
S4SA_LDI_SCOPE Linked-in scopes
S4SA_LDI_FORCE_APPROVAL Linked-in Force approval y/n
S4SA_FCB_CLIENT_ID Facebook Client ID as found in the developer console
S4SA_FCB_CLIENT_SECRET Facebook Client Secret as found in the developer console
S4SA_FCB_REDIRECT_URL Facebook redirection URI
S4SA_FCB_API_VERSION Facebook API version used
S4SA_FCB_EXTRAS Extra options for the Facebook API
S4SA_FCB_SCOPE Facebook scopes
S4SA_FCB_FORCE_APPROVAL Facebook force approval y/n

#license This project is uses the MIT license.