In your Cordova project, run:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bambuser
Broadcaster usage
broadcaster.js implements a wrapper for Bambuser's native live broadcasting SDK:s
See www/broadcaster.js for details.
Use the Cordova-style callback-based methods of window.bambuser
from within your Cordova application.
Callback-based example
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
// Now safe to use device APIs
if (!window.bambuser) {
alert('cordova-plugin-bambuser is not installed');
} else {
var broadcaster = window.bambuser.broadcaster;
broadcaster.setApplicationId('YOUR-APPLICATION-ID', function() {
broadcaster.showViewfinderBehindWebView(function() {
// maybe also set title etc here before starting
// maybe move startBroadcast() to a button callback instead of starting right aways
broadcaster.startBroadcast(function() {
// update UI to show that we're live!
}, function(err) { alert('failed to start broadcast'); });
}, function(err) { alert('failed to show viewfinder'); });
}, function(err) { alert('failed to set application id'); });
For promise support, omit both callbacks:
document.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {
const { broadcaster } = window.bambuser;
broadcaster.setApplicationId('YOUR-APPLICATION-ID').then(() => {
return broadcaster.showViewfinderBehindWebView()
}).then(() => {
// maybe also set title etc here before starting
// maybe move startBroadcast() to a button callback instead of starting right aways
return broadcaster.startBroadcast();
}).catch(e => console.log(e));
}, false);
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
try {
const { broadcaster } = window.bambuser;
await broadcaster.setApplicationId('YOUR-APPLICATION-ID');
await broadcaster.showViewfinderBehindWebView();
// maybe also set title etc here before starting
// maybe move startBroadcast() to a button callback instead of starting right aways
await broadcaster.startBroadcast();
} catch (e) {
Typescript definitions are not currently included. As a workaround, it is often
possible to access the plugin's window property via the array syntax and declaring
a shortcut variable of type any
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
if (!window['bambuser']) {
alert('cordova-plugin-bambuser is not installed');
} else {
const broadcaster: any = window['bambuser']['broadcaster'];
// ...
Complete usage example:
Player usage
player.js implements a wrapper for Bambuser's native player SDK:s
See www/player.js for details.
const resourceUri = '';
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
try {
const { player } = window.bambuser;
await player.setApplicationId('YOUR-APPLICATION-ID');
await player.showPlayerBehindWebView();
} catch (e) {
Complete usage examples, both native and javascript based:
The web player is another playback option in a Cordova app, which does not require a plugin, just a few configuration changes:
However, on some less capable web view implementations, the web player will regularly fall back to standard HLS delivery, resulting in a bit higher latency during live playback, which can be a case for using the native player instead.
The web player currently has a richer event vocabulary on the other hand, and can be used in a scrollable context unlike the cordova plugin. Depending on the app, it might be worth trying out both alternatives and perhaps use the native SDK for live streams and the web player for archived playback.