
Generates API documentation in PDF, HTML format for integration tests written with RSpec

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Gem generates API documentation from your integration tests written with rspec.

No additional DSL needed. Beside covering rspec tests, documentation may be extended with API controller action comments in yardoc style.

Documentation is generated in JSON, YAML, HTML, PDF formats.


1) Gem

Just add this gem to Gemfile of your API Application

gem 'reqres_rspec', group: :test

And then execute:

$ bundle install

If necessary, add require "reqres_rspec" to your spec/spec_helper.rb file

2) PDF generator

Install prince http://www.princexml.com/download/ . For MacOS installation commands are

wget http://www.princexml.com/download/prince-10r3-macosx.tar.gz
tar -xvf prince-10r3-macosx.tar.gz
cd prince-10r3-macosx


by default reqres_rspec is not active (this may be configured!). To activate it, run rspec with

REQRES_RSPEC=1 bundle exec rspec --order=defined

Documentation will be put into your application's /doc folder

Upload to Amazon S3

Set up following environment variables


Then run

REQRES_RSPEC=1 REQRES_UPLOAD=AmazonS3 bundle exec rspec --order=defined

Upload to Google Drive

Follow "Create a client ID and client secret" in this page to get OAuth credentials.

Set environment variables


REQRES_RSPEC=1 REQRES_UPLOAD=GoogleDrive bundle exec rspec --order=defined

Follow instructions in console.

Sample controller action

  # @description creates Category from given parameters
  # description text may be multiline
  # @param category[title] required String Category title
  # @param category[weight] in which order Category will be shown
  # param text may also be multiline
  def create
    category = Category.new(create_category_params)

    if category.save
      render json: { category: category }.to_json, status: 201
      render json: { errors: category.errors.full_messages }, status: 422

Description param text is started with @description and may be multiline. Each param text is started with @param and first word will be param name, then optionally required, then optionally type (Integer, String etc), and finally param description, which may be multiline as well.

Sample rspec test

  it 'validates params', :skip_reqres do

  context 'With valid params' do
    it 'bakes pie' do

  context 'With invalid params', :skip_reqres do
    it 'returns errors' do

By default all examples will be added to docs. A context of examples (context and describe blocks) or any particular examples may be excluded from docs with option :skip_reqres

Doc will use full example description, as a title for each separate spec

If you want to group examples in another way, you can do something like:

describe 'Something', reqres_section: 'Foo' do
  context 'valid params', reqres_title: 'Bakes Pie' do
    it 'works' do

    it 'tires baker', reqres_title: 'Tires baker' do

In this case all the reqres_sections can be used for grouping collected data into section, and reqres_title will become human readable titles: Customized titles

Generates documentation example

Generated Doc Generated Doc

Documentation is written in HTML format, which then converted to PDF. PDF files are textual, support search and have internal navigation links


ReqresRspec.configure do |c|
  c.templates_path = Rails.root.join('spec/support/reqres/templates') # Path to custom templates
  c.output_path = 'some path' # by default it will use doc/reqres
  c.formatters = %w(MyCustomFormatter) # List of custom formatters, these can be inherited from ReqresRspec::Formatters::HTML
  c.title = 'My API Documentation' # Title for your documentation
  c.amazon_s3 = {
    credentials: {
      access_key_id: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], # by default it will use AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env var
      secret_access_key: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], # by default it will use AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env var
      region: (ENV['AWS_REGION'] || 'us-east-1'),
    bucket: ENV['AWS_REQRES_BUCKET'], # by default it will use AWS_REQRES_BUCKET env for bucket name
    enabled: false # Enable upload (only with REQRES_UPLOAD env var set)

Custom Formatter example

class CustomAPIDoc < ReqresRspec::Formatters::HTML
  def write
    # Copy assets
    %w(styles images components scripts).each do |folder|
      FileUtils.cp_r(path(folder), output_path)

    # Generate general pages
    @pages = {
      'index.html'          => 'Introduction',
      'authentication.html' => 'Authentication',
      'filtering.html'      => 'Filtering, Sorting and Pagination',
      'locations.html'      => 'Locations',
      'files.html'          => 'Files',
      'external-ids.html'   => 'External IDs',

    @pages.each do |filename, _|
      @current_page = filename
      save filename, render("pages/#{filename}")

    # Generate API pages
    @records.each do |record|
      @record       = record
      @current_page = @record[:filename]
      save "#{record[:filename]}.html", render('spec.html.erb')

Future plans

  1. Write documentation in YAML, JSON formats

  2. Add configuration (folders with API specs, default generate spec for all examples, or opt-in generation)

  3. Cover with tests

  4. Remove dependency on rails

  5. Add demo for Rails, Rails API, Sinatra


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request