
It is the boilerplate of authentication using JWT in the SPA of React-Redax.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It is the example of authentication using JWT in the SPA of React-Redax. It doesn't support server-side rendering.

Get started

$ git clone git@github.com:nabeliwo/jwt-react-redux-auth-example.git

$ cd jwt-react-redux-auth-example
$ npm install
$ npm run build-js # build bundle.js

In order to launch the server, and then prepare a config file.

// config/default.json

  "host": "",
  "secretKey": "your secret key"
# run
$ npm run dev # to develop
# Server running at: http://localhost:3000

# develop
$ npm run watch-js # watchify
$ npm run lint # eslint


JSON Web Tokenを使ってReactとReduxのSPAでログイン認証をする