Convert strings (and dictionary keys) between snake case, camel case and pascal case in Python. Inspired by Humps for Node.
Please email me at
To install humps, simply use pipenv (or pip, of course):
$ pipenv install pyhumps
import humps
humps.camelize("jack_in_the_box") # jackInTheBox
humps.decamelize("rubyTuesdays") # ruby_tuesdays
humps.pascalize("red_robin") # RedRobin
humps.kebabize("white_castle") # white-castle
import humps
array = [{"attrOne": "foo"}, {"attrOne": "bar"}]
humps.decamelize(array) # [{"attr_one": "foo"}, {"attr_one": "bar"}]
array = [{"attr_one": "foo"}, {"attr_one": "bar"}]
humps.camelize(array) # [{"attrOne": "foo"}, {"attrOne": "bar"}]
array = [{'attr_one': 'foo'}, {'attr_one': 'bar'}]
humps.kebabize(array) # [{'attr-one': 'foo'}, {'attr-one': 'bar'}]
array = [{"attr_one": "foo"}, {"attr_one": "bar"}]
humps.pascalize(array) # [{"AttrOne": "foo"}, {"AttrOne": "bar"}]
import humps
humps.is_camelcase("illWearYourGranddadsClothes") # True
humps.is_pascalcase("ILookIncredible") # True
humps.is_snakecase("im_in_this_big_ass_coat") # True
humps.is_kebabcase('from-that-thrift-shop') # True
humps.is_camelcase("down_the_road") # False
humps.is_snakecase("imGonnaPopSomeTags") # False
humps.is_kebabcase('only_got_twenty_dollars_in_my_pocket') # False
# what about abbrevations, acronyms, and initialisms? No problem!
humps.decamelize("APIResponse") # api_response
import humps
import boto3
def api(service, decamelize=True, *args, **kwargs):
service, func = service.split(":")
client = boto3.client(service)
kwargs = humps.pascalize(kwargs)
response = getattr(client, func)(*args, **kwargs)
return (depascalize(response) if decamelize else response)
# usage
api("s3:download_file", bucket="bucket", key="hello.png", filename="hello.png")