Dota2 Analysis Software Process 2020


This application provides a data of all heroes in Dota2. Have a feature to compare hero Winrate, Pickrate, Basic Status and also provide line graph for easy to understand. The Main feature of this application is match analysis that using matches data to analyse the hero timing (early-game,mid-game,late-game) we also provide pie graph for match analysis to make it easy understanding.


Setup Docker Images

Docker Frontend

  1. Go to directory frontend/dota2_guide_react/
  2. Run the following command
docker build -t <your name>/react-frontend

Docker Backend

  1. Go to directory api/dota2/
  2. Run the following command
docker build -t <your name>/node-backend

Running On Local


  1. Go to directory frontend/dota2_guide_react
  2. Run the following command for install all requirements
npm install
  1. Run the following command for start server
npm start

The website will run on http://localhost:3000/


  1. Go to directory api/dota2
  2. Run the following command for install all requirements
npm install
  1. Run the following command for start server
npm start

The api will run on http://localhost:1337/

Group Member:

  • 6110545449 Jitta Koopratoomsiri
  • 6110545538 Thanida Jongarnon
  • 6110545651 Supakorn Tangpremsri
  • 6110545694 Anant Arayanant
  • 6110546631 Wikrom Chanthakhun