A plugin to use Ingenico in Flutter apps.
This plugin supports Android and iOS.
Use this plugin in your Flutter app to:
This plugin uses Pigeon in order to generate platform channels type safe interfaces.
Warning: While it's very useful, Pigeon is still in early development, please check for breaking changes before regeneration code!
You should first put your new types in the pigeons/messages.dart
file and then launch the following command:
flutter pub run pigeon \
--input pigeons/messages.dart \
--dart_out lib/pigeon.dart \
--objc_header_out ios/Classes/Messages.h \
--objc_source_out ios/Classes/Messages.m \
--objc_prefix FLT \
--java_out ./android/src/main/java/com/ingenico/flutter_sdk/Messages.java \
--java_package "com.ingenico.flutter_sdk"
It will regenerate the correct informations in the 2 platforms.