MOD for enabling NFC when screen is OFF for stock Android 7.0 SONY devices

Primary LanguageSmali


MOD for enabling NFC when screen is OFF for stock Android 7.0 SONY devices

0.-Download required smali/baksmali tools

These allow to extract the 'source' code of the NfcNci.odex file, in order to be able to modify them later. They can be found here (or build them yourself): https://bitbucket.org/JesusFreke/smali/downloads/

1.-Extracting required files

Execute the following commands, to extract the .oat framework files and the .odex file of the NfcNci package:

adb adb pull /system/framework/arm64/

adb pull /system/app/NfcNci/NfcNci.apk

adb pull /system/app/NfcNci/oat/arm64/NfcNci.odex

2.-Odex to smali

Let's convert the odex file to modifiable code. Run:

baksmali.jar x -c system/framework/arm64/boot.oat -d system/framework/arm64/ system/app/NfcNci/oat/NfcNci.odex -o NfcNci/

And give it a couple of minutes to end the task

3.-MODifying source code

The required modifications can be found here: https://github.com/bamsbamx/NFCScreenOFF/commit/12f21d6cff22eedd80775039beb517723751befd

4.-Recompile source code and rebuild APK

Run: smali.jar a -o classes.dex NfcNci/

And copy generated classes.dex into original NfcNci.apk (worked with 7-Zip for me). (OPTIONAL) You can zipalign the APK if you want

5.-Install the MODded APK

Overwrite THE NEW NfcNci.apk into /system/app/NfcNci.apk and chmod 0644 it, then reboot and it will be working


Lasse-it.dk: https://lasse-it.dk/2017/01/how-to-modifying-nfcnci-apk-to-run-when-screen-is-turned-off-on-android-nougat

source.android.com: https://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/dalvik-bytecode

pallergabor.uw.hu: http://pallergabor.uw.hu/androidblog/dalvik_opcodes.html