
This is a forum for sharing tips about lifestyle diseases. The website has been designed to address the challenge of non communicable disease which is currently affecting lives of young men and women. The system has been designed using mobile first approach, whereby the website responds to different screen sizes.

Primary LanguageHTML

Jukwaa la Afya

This is a forum for sharing tips about lifestyle diseases. The website has been designed to address the challenge of non communicable disease which is currently affecting lives of young men and women. The system has been designed using mobile first approach, whereby the website responds to different screen sizes.

Alt text

Built With

HTML, CSS, JS, node, Bootstrap

Live demo

Live Demo Link

Live demo

Loom Video

Getting Started

Please do the following to setup project locally


You need the following installed -Install node.js version ^12.*


You need to setup node.js version 12.0 or above, and download the project from the github.


Download the project from github and unzip the file or You can clone the project using the github link [https://github.com/bamsi/jukwaa.git] Open the terminal, git bash is recommended and the navigate to the directory of the project Run the following command

npm install


The project demonstrates the website design in smaller devices such as mobile phones. The design uses bootstrap flexbox and grid to implement webpage layout.

Run tests

The website has been tested using css, html and javascript linters. You can run the following command to test the code:

  • npx eslint . for javascript
  • npx hint . web hint to test html
  • npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" to test css style


You can deploy the website to any web server of your choice


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