🌾 PASTIS 🌾 Panoptic Agricultural Satellite TIme Series

The PASTIS Dataset

  • Dataset presentation

PASTIS is a benchmark dataset for panoptic and semantic segmentation of agricultural parcels from satellite time series. It contains 2,433 patches within the French metropolitan territory with panoptic annotations (instance index + semantic labelfor each pixel). Each patch is a Sentinel-2 multispectral image time series of variable lentgh.

We propose an official 5 fold split provided in the dataset's metadata, and evaluated several of the top-performing image time series networks. You are welcome to use our numbers and to submit your own entries to the leaderboard!

  • Dataset in numbers
▶️ 2,433 time series ▶️ 124,422 individual parcels ▶️ 18 crop types
▶️ 128x128 pixels / images ▶️ 38-61 acquisitions / series ▶️ 10m / pixel
▶️ 10 spectral bands ▶️ covers ~4,000 km² ▶️ over 2B pixels


  • Download

The dataset can be downloaded from zenodo.

  • Dataloader

This repository also contains a PyTorch dataset class in code/dataloader.py that can be readily used to load data for training.

  • Metrics

A PyTorch implementation is also given in code/panoptic_metrics.py to compute the panoptic metrics. In order to use these metrics, the model's output should contain an instance prediction and a semantic prediction. The first one allocates an instance id to each pixel of the image, and the latter a semantic label.


Please open an issue to submit new entries. Do mention if the work has been published and wether the code accessible for reproducibility. We require that at least a preprint is available to present the method used.

Semantic Segmentation

Model name #Params OA mIoU Published
U-TAE 1.1M 83.2% 63.1% ✔️ link
Unet-3d* 1.6M 81.3% 58.4% ✔️ link
Unet-ConvLSTM* 1.5M 82.1% 57.8% ✔️ link
FPN-ConvLSTM* 1.3M 81.6% 57.1% ✔️ link

Models that we re-implemented ourselves are denoted with a star (*).

Panoptic Segmentation

Model name SQ RQ PQ
U-TAE + PaPs 81.3 49.2 40.4


The agricultural parcels are grouped into 18 different crop classes as shown in the table below. The backgroud class corresponds to non-agricultural land, and the void label for parcels that are mostly outside their patch. drawing

Additional information about the dataset can be found in the documentation/pastis-documentation.pdf document.


If you use PASTIS please cite the related paper:

  title={Panoptic Segmentation of Satellite Image Time Series
with Convolutional Temporal Attention Networks},
  author={Sainte Fare Garnot, Vivien  and Landrieu, Loic },


  • The satellite imagery used in PASTIS was retrieved from THEIA: "Value-added data processed by the CNES for the Theia www.theia.land.fr data cluster using Copernicus data. The treatments use algorithms developed by Theia’s Scientific Expertise Centres. "

  • The annotations used in PASTIS stem from the French land parcel identification system produced by IGN, the French mapping agency.

  • This work was partly supported by ASP, the French Payment Agency.