This is a non-core module of ProseMirror. ProseMirror is a well-behaved rich semantic content editor based on contentEditable, with support for collaborative editing and custom document schemas.
Every change to the document is recorded by ProseMirror as a step.
This module allows recreating the steps needed to go from document
A to B should these not be available otherwise, and it allows merging
two different Transforms
(sets of steps) whose steps may be
Recreating steps can be interesting for example in order to show the
changes between two document versions without having access to the
original steps. Merging Transforms
can be of iinterest should two
users have worked on the same document over time without any means
for synchronizing their work.
Recreating a Transform
works this way:
import {recreateTransform} from "prosemirror-recreate-steps"
let tr = recreateTransform(
complexSteps = true, // Whether step types other than ReplaceStep are allowed.
wordDiffs = false // Whether diffs in text nodes should cover entire words.
Merging Transforms
works this way:
import {mergeTransform} from "prosemirror-recreate-steps"
let {
} = mergeTransform(
automerge = true, // Whether to try to auto-merge conflicting changes
rebase = false, // Whether to rebase the changes in tr2 on top of those in tr1.
wordDiffs = false // Whether diffs in text nodes should cover entire words.
The tr
is a Tranform
of all combined changes of tr1
and tr2
that are not
conflicting if automerge is enabled (otherwise it's a Transform
with 0 steps).
The merge
is a Merge
object that contains information about all conflicting steps
and how they conflict with oneanother. Look at the examples in the demo folder on
how to make use of it.