Garo Dictionary


  • python 3
  • pip
  • pipenv
  • libpq-dev
  • PostgreSQL
  • PG Admin 4 (For easy postgres management)


Python 3

First ensure that python 3 is installed. Run the command below to check.

python --version


Python 3.6.9

If this shows Python 2.x.x, try running:

python3 --version

If this does says that python3 is not found, then install Python 3 by following the instructions on the link.


Next follow the instruction on this link to install pip, a package manager for python.

(Optional) Configuring BASH

If you have to access python by using python3 in the terminal, you can set an alias to make it more convenient.

Open the bashrc file:

nano ~/.bashrc

Add the following lines (in order) to the file.

alias python=python3
alias pip='python -m pip'
alias pipenv='python -m pipenv'

Save the file. and run the following command to update bash.

source ~/.bashrc

The following steps shall be written assuming this step is done.

If not please replace python with python3, and pip with python3 -m pip.


Run the following command to install pipenv.

pip install --user pipenv


You need this packace in order to build psycopg2.

First make sure you have installed build-essentials package.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt-get install manpages-dev


gcc --version

to confirm installation.

Next run the following command to install the package.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libpq-dev

PostgreSQL & PGAdmin4

To install and configure postgreSQL and PGadmin4, follow this tutorial.

After you finish the configuration, create a database and call it


Make sure to take note of the username and password of the user that you created. To avoid further changes, use dbadmin for the username and admin for the password and garoDictionaryDB for the database name.

If you are using a different username, password or database name change the lines in for the same.

Installing Packages

In the root directory of the repository, run

pipenv install

to install packages from the PipFile.


Once all your installation is done, run

pipenv shell

to open up the directory in a virtual environment. Then open the project in your code editor of choice.

code .

The above command is for VS Code.