
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yet Another Chat

Student Info

Name: Dante Bencivenga

UCID: 10096414

GitHub Repository



  1. Download or clone the above repository to a local folder

  2. Navigate to that folder in your terminal and run the commands npm install followed by node index (install node.js if necessary)

  3. The server should print the URLs for the website, e.g.

     Server is up and running on port 3000!  
     This device: Point browser to localhost:3000  
     Other devices on this network: Point your browser to
  4. Use the given URLs to connect to the chat application from any desktop or mobile device connected to the same local area network as the server

  • If external devices are not able to connect to the given IP, the server may have a firewall blocking incoming connections (check its network settings) or the IP may have changed since it started (check IP using either the operating system or by quitting the server using ctrl+C and restarting with node index)
  • Note that the command /nickcolor works with both named CSS colors, e.g. /nickcolor blue and hex values, e.g. /nickcolor 0000FF