
Steps for MapReduce Program Execution

  1. Download the file. To download, click on code button and select 'Download ZIP'
  2. Extract the file and copy the MapReduceDemo folder to the Eclipse-workspace (You can find Eclipse-workspace in C:\Users<Your SID>)(if your system doesn't have Eclipse IDE follow the steps for Eclipse Installation given below)
  3. In the Eclipse, File->Open Projects from File System.... Then, click on "Directory" in "Import Projects from File System or Archive" window, then browse the project folder from Eclipse workspace.
  4. Change the program arguments by following below steps
    4.1) Right click on the project select Properties
    4.2) Select Run/Debug settings in the "Properties for MapReduceDemo" window, and click "New" button. Then, select Java Application, click OK. Give name as "ViewCount". Under the 'Main' tab, and in the "Main class:" search for "ViewCount-mapreducedemo", select it and click OK.
    4.3) Select the ViewCount and click on 'Edit' button
    4.4) Select the "Arguments" tab, and in the Program Arguments give path for input file and output file as
    C:\Users\YourS-ID\eclipse-workspace\MapReduceDemo\data\input\rawViews.txt C:\Users\YourS-ID\eclipse-workspace\MapReduceDemo\data\output and Click Ok.
  5. Delete the output Folder from the MapReduceDemo folder (Location: C:\Users<Your SID>\eclipse-workspace\MapReduceDemo\data)
  6. Run the file to get desired output
  7. To check for output go to data folder inside project an output folder will be generated after successfully executing program
  8. Open part-r-00000 file inside output folder in your project where the output of the program is stored.

Steps for Eclipse Installation

2.Download and install the latest version of Eclipse installer.
3.Get the Installer for your platform (student/faculty laptops are windows-x64).
4.Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers from the installer menu.

Steps to add winutils.exe

Download winutils.exe and Hadoop.dll from

  1. Create a folder hadoop in windows C in that create bin folder and place winutils.exe file and Hadoop.dll in bin folder
  2. Create a new system variable give name as Hadoop_Home and give variable value as C:\hadoop and click ok
  3. Click on path in system variables and click on edit option the click on new and give C:\hadoop\bin the click ok
  4. Now close Exlipse IDE once and open and run