Virtual Password Storage for Python scripts!

The script '' create virtual storage for saving password using ZMQ and dictionary

First of all install pip package:

pip install zmq

Run using next command in cmd ( for Python3.6 and more):

python3 -p

And after you can enter your password invisibly

You can see something like that (You can changes your IP on localhost and Port in

IP:, Port: 4000

It means your virtual storage with your secret password is working

Editing script

    UserName = 'YourUserName' # It is a **Dictionary key** to Value. I use my username for connect to DB
    Port = 4000 # You can choise any available port. If you edited Port value, don't forget to change in ****

Connect file '' to your script using:

    from Client import SuperCacher
    cacher = SuperCacher()
    password = cacher.get(username) # Where 'username' is your dictionary key. return your password