
Generates a Python project structure with Poetry for package management and github actions for continuious integration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Cookiecutter Template

Tests Status pre-commit.ci status

Generates a Python project structure with Poetry for package management and github actions for continuous integration and continuous deployment.

Dev dependencies that are included

  • black
  • ruff
  • mypy
  • pre-commit
  • pytest
  • pytest-cov

VS Code settings

If yes is selected for include_vscode_settings the generated project will contain a .vscode/settings.json file that will automatically run Black when files are saved.

How to use

First make sure you have cookiecutter installed. Instructions for installing can be found here.

Once cookiecutter is installed go to the directory where you want to create the project and run:

cookiecutter https://github.com/sanders41/cookiecutter-python

You will be asked to fill in the following information:

  • project_name: The name of the project
  • project_slug: The development friendly name of the project.
  • source_dir: The name name of the source directory for the project.
  • project_description: A short discription of the purpose of the project [Optional]
  • creator: The full name of the project creator
  • creator_email: The email address for the creator
  • license: The license to use for the project. Select "No license" if no license should be included
  • copyright_year: The year to use for the copyright year in the license file.
  • python_version: The default python version.
  • min_python_version: The minimum version of Python that can be used for the project.
  • github_action_python_test_versions: The versions of Python that should be used in the CI tests.
  • max_line_length: The maximum allowed line length.
  • use_dependabot: Adds a GitHub action for dependabot.
  • use_continuous_deployment: Adds a workflow for continous deployment to pypi.
  • multi_os_ci: If True then CI is setup to run tests on Windows, Mac, and Linux. If False tests are only run on Linux.

Next create a virtual environment and activate it. These two steps are optional, if you skip them Poetry will create and use it's own virtual environment.

Create a virtual environment (optional)

python3 -m venv .venv

Activate the virtual environment (optional)

. .venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies

poetry install

Create a git repositry

git init

Install the pre-commit hooks

pre-commit install

Commit the files to git

git add .
git commit -am 'Inital commit'

Rename the master branch to main. This step is optional and only needs to be done if you haven't set your global default branch name to main.

git branch -m master main

Now the project is ready to use.