
Script uses ssh and telnet to crawl a network and display cdp neighbor information. This information is parsed and the neighbors are connected to and so on.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Script uses ssh and telnet to crawl a network and display cdp neighbor information. This information is parsed and the neighbors are connected to and so on.

Usage: cdpscanner.py [Options]
  Note: All options are optional.  User is prompted or defaults are used.
  -h or --help:  This help screen
  -i or --inputfile: specifies a file containing hosts to connect to.
  -u or --username: specifies a username to use
  -p or --password: Specifies the password to use
  -v or --verbose: Enables verbose output
  -t or --telnet:  Enables fallback to telnet
  -o or --output:  Prints the inventory of all of the devices at the end
  -H or --hosts:  specifies hosts via comma seperated values
  -T or --threads:  specifices the number of threads (defaults to 8)
  -g or --graph:  enables graphing of the network and specifices the output file

Project dependancies:



Graphing function also requires

