
Software for fitting BART (Bayesian Additive Regression Trees) to multivariate skewed responses

Primary LanguageC++


Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Multivariate skewed responses

This repository contains code to implement the methodology described in the paper: Um S, Linero A, Sinha D and Bandyopadhyay D (2023). Bayesian additive regression trees for multivariate skewed responses, Statistics in Medicine, 42(3), 246-263

There are two packages included in this repository: skewBART and MultiskewBART.

Status of developement

The code provided here is being actively developed and only being provided for research purposes.


skewBART model (univariate response)

The skewBART packages provides a nonparametric regression approach for univariate skewed responses using Bayesian additive regression trees (BART).

The following is an example on “Friedman’s example”:

## Load library

## Generate fake data
sim_fried <- function(N, P, alpha, sigma) {
  lambda <- alpha * sigma/sqrt(1+alpha^2)
  tau <- sigma/sqrt(1+alpha^2)
  X <- matrix(runif(N * P), nrow = N)
  mu <- 10 * sin(pi * X[,1] * X[,2]) + 20 * (X[,3] - 0.5)^2 + 10 * X[,4] + 5 * X[,5]
  Z <- abs(rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=1) )
  Y <- mu + lambda * Z + rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=sqrt(tau))
  EY <- mu + lambda * sqrt(2/pi)
  return(list(X = X, Y = Y, EY = EY, mu = mu, Z=Z, tau = tau, lambda = lambda))

## Simulate dataset
c(X,Y,EY,mu,Z,tau,lambda) %<-% gen_data_fried(250, 100, 5, 1)
c(test_X,test_Y,test_EY,test_mu,test_Z,test_tau,test_lambda)  %<-% gen_data_fried(250, 100, 5 ,1)

The predictors are scaled to lie in [0,1] using quantile normalization and the response Y is scaled to mean 0 and standard deviation 1 :

X_norm <- quantile_normalize(X, test_X)$X
test_X_norm <- quantile_normalize(X, test_X)$test_X
Y_scaled <- scale(Y)
c(Y_dims, center_Y, scale_Y) %<-% attributes(Y_scaled)

The function Hypers produces a list of the hyperparameters of the model.

hypers <- Hypers(X = X_norm, Y = Y_scaled)

We can then fit the model as

## Fit the model
fit <- skewBART(X = X_norm, Y = Y_scaled, test_X = test_X_norm, tree_num=200, iter= 5000, burn =2500)

## Compare the quality of the fit
rmse <- function(x,y) sqrt(mean((x-y)^2))

rmse(fit$y_hat_train_mean, EY)
rmse(fit$y_hat_test_mean, test_EY)

MultiskewBART model (multivariate response)

The MultiskewBART packages provides a nonparametric regression approach for multivariate skewed responses using Bayesian additive regression trees (BART).

## Load library

## Generate fake data
sim_data_multi <- function(N, P, lambda, tau, rho) {
  X <- matrix(runif(N * P), nrow = N)
  mu <- 10 * sin(pi * X[,1] * X[,2]) + 20 * (X[,3] - 0.5)^2 + 10 * X[,4] + 5 * X[,5] 
  Z <- cbind(lambda[1] * abs(rnorm(N)), lambda[2] * abs(rnorm(N)))
  Sigma <- matrix(c(tau[1], sqrt(tau[1]*tau[2])*rho, sqrt(tau[1]*tau[2])*rho, tau[2]), 2, 2)
  Err <- mvrnorm(n=N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma = Sigma)
  Y <- cbind(mu, mu) + Z + Err
  EY <- rbind(mu, mu) + lambda * sqrt(2/pi)
  return( list(X = X, Y = Y, EY=EY, mu = mu, lambda = lambda, tau=tau, Z= Z, Sigma = Sigma) )

## Simulate dataset
c(X,Y,EY,mu,lambda,tau,Z,Sigma) %<-% gen_data_fried_multi(250, 5, c(2,3), c(1,1), 0.5)
c(test_X,test_Y,test_EY,test_mu,test_lambda,test_tau,test_Z,test_Sigma) %<-% gen_data_fried_multi(100, 5, c(2,3), c(1,1), 0.5)

## preprocess data
X_norm <- quantile_normalize(X, test_X)$X
test_X_norm <- quantile_normalize(X, test_X)$test_X
Y_scaled <- scale(Y)
center_Y <- attributes(Y_scaled)$`scaled:center`
scale_Y <- attributes(Y_scaled)$`scaled:scale`

## Create a list of the hyperparameters of the model. 
hypers <- Hypers(X = X_norm, Y = Y_scaled)

We can then fit the model as

## Fit the model
fit <- MultiskewBART(X = X_norm, Y = Y_scaled, test_X = test_X_norm, tree_num=200, iter= 2500, burn =5000) 

## Compare the quality of the fit
rmse(fit$y_hat_train_mean, EY)
rmse(fit$y_hat_test_mean, test_EY)