
CircleCI approval integration with slack interaction

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Environment variable setup

Environment variables are required for Network request.

CircleCI token - https://app.circleci.com/settings/user/tokens
Slack Incoming hook url - https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks#posting_with_webhooks



Support approve job and cancel workflow in slack

Tracking user who performed actions

How to use this template

  1. Slack) Create your slack app that supports incoming webhooks and interactive components
  2. Slack) Get Slack incoming webhook url
  3. CircleCI) Get CircleCI personal token
  4. YourApp) Add Environment variable that SLACK_HOOK_URL, CIRCLECI_TOKEN and serve your app
  5. CircleCI) Add Environment variable that SLACK_ACTION_URL from step 4
  6. Slack) Add url to interactivty request url from step 4
  7. CircleCI) Add send-slack-message job
        working_directory: ~/project
          - image: circleci/node:latest
          - checkout
          - run:
              name: "Setup environment variable"
              command: echo export APP_VERSION=$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)") >> $BASH_ENV
          - run:
              name: "Request message"
              command: |
                curl -d version=$APP_VERSION \
                  -d workflowId=$CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID \
                  -d branch=$CIRCLE_BRANCH \
                  $SLACK_ACTION_URL/circleci/react-native \
  8. YourApp) Add Environment variable that APPROVAL_JOB_NAME
  9. CircleCI) Add approval job same with APPROVAL_JOB_NAME