
No output at all in powershell tab of windows terminal

shengxue opened this issue · 8 comments

When I ran git diff | git-split-diffs --color | less in powershell tab of windows terminal, there is nothing in the output.

banga commented

Sorry I'm not too familiar with powershell – is less available there? It seems that maybe more is what you need?

Can you try git diff | git-split-diffs --color and see what that gives you?

Neither more nor less works. :(

git diff | git-split-diffs --color has no output either.

banga commented

Hmm strange. Does the command exit? Do you have anything special in your git config? If it’s safe to share, can you share the output of git diff and git config -l?

The command does not exit.

you are right that I have git configure on diff:

difftool.vscode.cmd=code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE
mergetool.vscode.cmd=code --wait $MERGED
banga commented

Oh ok. git-split-diffs reads from the output of git commands, so it's not working for git diff for you since you're making it open vscode instead. It doesn't exist because you probably have the diff open in vscode and it's waiting for vscode to close the diff. If you want to use this for other git commands, I'd recommend setting the core.pager setting mentioned in the README. That way, other commands like git log -p and git show will show you diffs with git-split-diffs but git diff will open up vscode. Or, you can remove the above settings and use git-split-diffs manually like in your original post.

@banga it is quite weird that a simple git diff gives perfect output

banga commented

hmm so git diff doesn't open vscode for you?

Hi, any idea how to make it work with some less equivalent in powershell?

Edit: Installing windows version of less fixes all the issues: scoop install less and done. Mabe it can be added to readme for windows users.
Btw. Great job, very nice tool!