

Running Application on Docker Container

This application you can run on docker container.

Prerequisite :

  • Docker
  • OS Linux Docker Image,
  • Golang version 1.19 or latest

Environment Variable available

build docker image

$ docker build -t {IMAGE_NAME} -f deployment/dockerfiles/dockerfile .
# example
$ docker build -t cake-service -f deployment/dockerfiles/dockerfile .

run docker container after build the image

# example run http serve:
$ docker run -i --name cake-service -p 8081:8081 -t cake-service

Running on your local machine

Linux or MacOS

Installation guide

1. install go version 1.17

# please read this link installation guide of go

2. Create directory workspace

run command below: 
mkdir $HOME/go
mkdir $HOME/go/src
mkdir $HOME/go/pkg
mkdir $HOME/go/bin
mkdir -p $HOME/go/src/
chmod -R 775 $HOME/go
cd $HOME/go/src/
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
# edit bash profile in $HOME/.bash_profile        
# add below to new line in file .bash_profile         
    export PATH  
    export GOPATH=$HOME/go 
# run command :
source $HOME/.bash_profile

3. Build the application

# run command :
cd $HOME/go/src/
git clone -b development .
cd $HOME/go/src/
go mod tidy && go mod download && go mod vendor
cp config/app.yaml.dist config/app.yaml
# edit config/app.yaml with server environtment
go build

# run application after build or create on supervisord 
./cake-service http

4. Health check Route PATH


Postman Collection

Database Migration

migration up

go run main.go db:migrate up

migration down

go run main.go db:migrate down

migration reset

go run main.go db:migrate reset

migration reset

go run main.go db:migrate reset

migration redo

go run main.go db:migrate redo

migration status

go run main.go db:migrate status

create migration table

go run main.go db:migrate create {table-name} sql

# example
go run main.go db:migrate create users sql

to show all command

go run main.go db:migrate

run docker compose on your local machine

docker-compose -f deployment/docker-compose.yaml --project-directory . up -d --build

generate automatic CRUD

generate entity, presentation, repositories, use case, dto

make sure already have database and table

go run main.go gen:all {tableName}

# example
go run main.go gen:entity users

generate entity only

make sure already have database and table

go run main.go gen:entity {tableName}

# example
go run main.go gen:entity users

generate use case only

no needed database

go run main.go gen:logic {packageName} {fileName}

# example
go run main.go gen:entity users user_create