
  • sail up -d -> to run server laravel sail
  • php artisan make:model -mrc Chirp -> to make chirp model, migration and controllers
  • php artisan route:list -> to view all of the routes in application.
  • npm run dev -> to run vite development server

Laravel Breeze

  • composer require laravel/breeze --dev
  • php artisan breeze:install blade
  • npm run dev
  • php artisan migrate:fresh => to rebuild database migration from scracch
  • php artisan make:policy ChirpPolicy --model=Chirp => to make policy.
  • php artisan make:notification NewChirp => to make notification
  • php artisan make:event ChirpCreated => create an event
  • php artisan make:listener SendChirpCreatedNotifications --event=ChirpCreated => creating event listener