
⚡️ A lightweight vanilla form validation that replaces jquery validation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vanilla Validation

A lightweight validation form that replace Jquery Validation (Still under coding).

⚡️ 24kb in browser only. As a project dependency, it falls to 6kb only.

Getting Started

Download the script file clicking here


Install package via npm:

npm install vanillajs-validation

Creating instance

<form data-form>
  <div data-field-holder>
    <input name="firstfield" />
    <span data-field-error></span>
  <div data-field-holder>
    <input name="cpf" />
    <span data-field-error></span>
  <div data-field-holder>
    <input name="test" />
    <span data-field-error></span>

<script src="vanillajs-validation.min.js"></script> // Import downloaded script file
<script type="text/javascript">
  var form = document.querySelector('[data-form]');
  var v = new vanillaValidation(form, {
    customRules: {
      valueIs: function (inputValue, ruleValue) {
        return inputValue === ruleValue;
    rules: {
      firstfield: {
        minlength: 2,
        required: true
      cpf: {
        cpf: true,
        required: true
      test: {
        valueIs: 'customRuleTest'
    messages: {
      firstfield: {
        minlength: 'This input should have at least 2 characters.',
        required: 'Input value required!'
      test: {
        valueIs: 'The field value must be "customRuleTest".'

You can import the module with ES6 syntax too:

// const Validator = require('vanillajs-validation');
import Validator from 'vanillajs-validation';

const formValidation = new Validator(document.querySelector('[data-form]', {
  rules: {

Rules (required)

The rules should be an object passed by in options at the follow format:

rules: {
  fieldName: {
    ruleName: value

The default rules avaiable are:

Rule Name Value Type Description
cep boolean [BR] postal code format
cpf boolean [BR] CPF number
cnpj boolean [BR] CNPJ number
email boolean Verify email format
equalTo string A input selector string
digits boolean Only numbers
maxlength integer Max value length
minlength integer Min value length
required boolean Not empty value

Custom Error Messages

Adding a messages object in options at the follow format:

messages: {
  fieldName: {
    ruleName: 'errorMessage goes here'

Custom Field Holder Selector

You can change the default field holder selector ([data-field-holder]) adding the key fieldHolderSelector in options at the follow format:

const formValidation = new Validator(document.querySelector('[data-form]', {
  fieldHolderSelector: '.field-holder'


vanillaValidation(Form, Options)


Type: DOM Element

The form DOM element


Type: Object

Object with configuration, rules and custom error messages

.addCustomRule(customRuleName, customRuleFunction)


Type: String

Name of the custom rule.


Type: Function

The function with the input validation flow. This function will receive 2 params, the inputValue and the ruleValue. Exemple:

  var v = new Validate(form, {
    rules: {
      testField: {
        valueIs: "customRuleTutorial"
    messages: {
      testField: {
        valueIs: "The value should be 'customRuleTutorial'."

  v.addCustomRule('valueIs', function(inputValue, ruleValue) {
    return inputValue === ruleValue;

You can add a customRules object in options when creating the instance too. See the exemple bellow:

  var v = new Validate(form, { // options
    customRules: {
      valueIs: function (inputValue, ruleValue) {
        return inputValue === ruleValue;
    rules: {
      testField: {
        valueIs: "customRuleTutorial"
    messages: {
      testField: {
        valueIs: "The value should be 'customRuleTutorial'."



onfocusout (default: false)

Type: Boolean

If true, make field validation on the onfocusout event trigger.

{ // options object
  onfocusout: false



Type: Function

After a submit with errors, the errorPlacement is called for every field with an error. The function will receive 2 params, the error (An object with the error type and the message) and the input (The node of the input with error).

{ // options object
  errorPlacement: function (error, input) {
    console.log(error); // { rule: exempleRule, message: 'The field has a exempleRule error' }
    console.log(input); // <input name="exemple" type="text" />


Type: Function

This will be called only if the errorPlacement has been defined. With personalized errorPlacement, you will need to clean the personalized error fields. This handler is exactly for resolve this issue. A param with validator instance is retorned to the handler function. See bellow:

{ // options object
  beforeErrorPlacement: function (validator) {
    ... // Do the clear personalized input error fields


Type: Function

Called on submit if form has a error. The function receives one param: the validator with the instance object of vanillajs-validation;

{ // options object
  invalidHandler: function (validator) {
    console.log(validator); // Validator instance object


Type: Function

Called after the form is validated, this handler should do the ajax request that you need instead of the default form browser submission. The function receives three params: the event, the form (node reference) and the validator instance object;

{ // options object
  submitHandler: function (event, form, validator) {
    console.log(form); // <form data-form> ... </form>



Type: Object

This object can receive new custom rules. The function of custom rule receive two params: inputValue with the input value and the ruleValue, with rule value

{ // options object
  customRules: {
    valueIs: function (inputValue, ruleValue) {
      // Verify if input value is 'ruleValueHere',
      // or other value write bellow, in 'rules' for 'exempleInput' key.      
      return inputValue === ruleValue; 
  rules: {
    exempleInput: {
      valueIs: 'ruleValueHere'


Type: Function

Remove errors, the validator and left the clean instance.

const formValidation = new Validator(...);



Type: Function

If you want to init an destroyed instance, use this method.



Type: function

A function called on the first submit form event trigger, before the form validation and handlers call. It returns the submit event and the validator as params

{ // options object
  submitEventIntercept: function (e, v) {
    e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // In case a second JS is listening to the submit event, you can use this to prevent the listener call
    console.log(v); // Validator instance



In first of all, fork the repo.

After clone the fork, make sure of use node v6.11.4. Install the dependencies, and rollup globally. To build files, use the rollup -c.

Then, make a pull request with a nice description of changes.


MIT License.

Made with ❤️ by

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